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Going Back 18 Years
We ore indebted to A..1. Ru9s9l_1, of -t!r9 Sqy\a Fc. _!umber Con.pany, San Francisco, f or a copy of ,,Pacifrc Coast Wood and lronl'issue of May,\5. This Publicdtion, deaoied-io the interests'of the luinber,. saw- tnill and millwork industries, zaas published at San Francisco until about l9lS.
This issue (May, 19o6) cdme out on tlte first of the month, rigltt after the terrible fire tlnt leaeled the city of San Francisco on April 78th onil l9th., of that yettr.
Below is o refroduction of some of the news it:uts and. ad.",ertisements that appeared.
This Journal has gone through the fire. Its type, its presses, its advertisers and its readers have also done the same. Woo.l and Iron is out on the first and at the first, as usual. We should keep it where it has always been and we want our advertisers to stand by us as we stand by them.
We extent the deep'est condolence to our clients who have lost with us, but we are thankful that vre are alive and well, with strength to cut in and continue getting and keeprng business. It takes trouble to show you your friencls and we are all friends. ready for the strain wtth our musclt's sound an<i our rninds clear.
The Stockton, Cal.. "Independent" came out the llth of April with the statement that "the sugar and western yellow pine cut in California for the year 1900 v/ a s 864,663 feet."
The mountain mills had better be careful of their boiler pressures under such strenuous season mitl TUnS.
San Francisco-the met- ropolis of the Westwas leveled bv fire on April l8th and'19th. The 20th of the month witnessed the first efforts to- wards rebuildine. The spirit of '49 has -not been dissipated by luxuries or indolence, for the peoplewealthy, poor and middte class-started to work at once to annul the fire's direadful results. The great. pregnant word, "San Franciscans" covers all-with some to sDare. We had all hell popping, _but the cork is now-lieirif hammered home and i; ninety days the city bv the Go.lden Gate, sphinxlike, wilt comrnence to tower again as of old-onlv more beautiful, inspiring ind as- prrlng.
was what was rreeded. Eastern buyers were to be seen on the street soliciting carloads, but there were few takers of the orders. Lumber was scarce and only the most favorabte demands were considered. This was especially true of the pine market. Retlwood was not so abnormally active, but was liolding its own an<l the conditions were indicativb of far better times ahead. Shingles, redwood and cedar. were active at list prices and thc former were still millions behind the order books. The shut-down in the Pa- cific Northwest of thp shingle mills was and i,s bearing good results anrl the wisCom of the movement is not now to be questioned.