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Pacific Coast, Eastern -r ForeignTrade
MILLS AND KILNS AT FORT BRAGO, CAL. Cap.city, 3,6@,000 fcct of Lumbcr end 4,ooo,ooo Shinglcc Pcr montb.
ORDERS OF ALL 8IZE8 HANDLED BY RAIL OR WATER Quot6 Delivced Prid b rll Frb ol th. Unit€d girt6. Forclto Od.n aollclt.d lrrd, Phol4 llll ild orY |(|lr, stxTil mD cHrlltrt sTRffrq 208-20? cn0crm Bumlill!, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
'l'lre lurnbermen of the Wes-t lrave shown their superior rnettle and the people appreciatc the feeling. When told of the action of the lumbermin in'iefusins to "advance prices. there were indications of iL. -ippr"ii"t;Lr --"? the consumers in the laudatory remarks on all sides. ^'
Prior To The Fire
The first seventeen days of April witnessed the general tra<le propensities.of.the -year. Orders were large and plentiful; prices wetl marntatned $ tth an upward tendency. The local orders were 'enormous with just as 11.uch called for south. Building was active and competition was stilled by the desire to secure tr.imber where possible. In' many instances, price cuts no figtrre. The lumber
Hardwoods were a trifle dull, but ruinous competi- tion on the coist was responsible for the unhaplry state of 'his market. FerQ houses liandle the hardwood lumber, yet an entirc absence of co-operation, was the keynote of the failure of the dealers to take the best advantage of the then current prices.
The fire at San Francisco was bad enough, but there is another catastrophe that must be averted. The ship subsidy bill must be killed if the bonus is to be allowed American craft carrying lumber from British Columbia to coastu'ise Dorts,
Post Office Addresses
Since the great fire, thc lumber companies have taken offices as far as can be ascertained at the following a\':dresses:
J. R. l{anify & Co., 9 Mission St.: Union Lumber Co., 6th and Channel Sts.: Suctden & Christenson. 9 l\lission St.; Hammond Lumber Co., 2252 Broadway; Grays Harbor Lumber Co., Bacon Block, Oakland: Inman Paulsen,
Kohl Bldg.; Tower Bros., 1238 Filbert St.; E. J. Dodge Clo.,200l Alameda Ave.; C. R. McCormick & Co., 108 St. Paul Blclg.. Oakland; Pacific Lumber Co., Oakland Savings Bank Bldg.; S. E. Slade Lumber Co., 1250 Clav St., Oakland; E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Channel and 5th Sts.; Albion Lumber Co.. Channel and 4th Sts.
Hoo Hoo Officers For Northrn California
Snark, Frank W. Trower; Senior Hoo Hoo, D. B. McDonalrit Junior Hoo Hoo, M. W. Davis: Boium. W. A. Hammond; Scrivcnoter, Jno. P. Muller; Jabberwock, F. W. Foss; Custocation, H. W. Templeman, Arcanoper, L. D. Foster; Gurdon, H. W. Hogan.
Under the direction of Snark Frank Trowcr, Hoo Hoo helcl orre of its most successful initiations on the 7th of April last. The tear-n of officers, with the able assistance of Ex-Vicegerant Henry Templeman, carried ofi their labors with splendid eclat. The work of Junior Hoo Hoo Davis was replete with brilliancy and surpriscs, so that the candidates and members went home fully satisfied with the cercmonies of the night. With one exception, every member's efforts were most appreciated, but there seems, in that individual instance, to be a stight tendency toward "Too Much Johnson."
Among those pres€nt were: F. \Ar. and A. E. Trower, J. C' Ellis, R. J. Knight, G. T. Hofiman, E. F. Niehaus, J' W. Palmer, W. A. Hammond, W. J. Woodside, R. A. Hiscox, P. H. Thompson, W. H. Newell. C. R. McCormick, J. S. Gill, A. B. McNair, J. H. Povvell, W. W. Everett, A. J. Russell, i. H Pricleaux an<i J. H. Cunningham, all of San Francisco.
There will be an initiation before lot.rg ir-r the Valley of the San Joaquin. Let all line up for tl-re good of the Order, more especialll' for the good of the purblin<l kittens waiting for the light of day down where the Joaquin flou's. Perhaps there is \Vurtxberger there as well.
The great fire rvill call a halt on Hoo Hoo jollity and givc the Order a chance to shorn' u'hat it is good for.
What They Think Of It
S. E. Sladc: "Why, this thing is too hard to believe see the city's remains. We are going to come out O. K. though, and be better situated than before."
"Matt" Hlrris: "Our whole fine yard and offices went, but we came out with whole skins and plenty of vigor to show others that San Francisco is very much alive."
A. B. Hammond: "I am uot a very well man. I wish I were thirty again, for it is my belief that San Francisco shows more possibilities ahead for young men than any other similarly stunned city."
J. R. Hanify: "A little too soon to deal squarely with the future prospects, but I ttould say ofihand that I believe we are sailing in the right directiorr toward conservative advancement of San Francisco. It is a hard blow, but we will drcp a little laziness and all get busy."
E. I(. Wood: "Our yards are sraved, and we are ready for orders arry and all times. In my mind, I believe we shall see San Francisco the best city in the country, if not in the world. We lumbermen should now all pull together and mdke things spin."
Lumber Losses By Fire
The following are the lumber companies tvho lost their San Francisco yards by the fire: Bellinghanr Bay Lumber Company, Simpson Lumber Companl', Doe & Company, Hickman & Masterson, Jones & Co., E. A. Howard & Co., N{cClc,rd River Lumber Company, D. H. Bibb Lumber Co. Blythe & Trott, E,. F. Niehaus & Co., Allen & Higgins. The only yard saved along North Beach was that of Swett & Davenport, while all the channel yards were saved, although considerabl-v looted afterw:trds.
The lumber business in Sar-r Francisco is on agai l. Thc owners and managers who were fired April 18tir have been employed again at higher '*'ages.
Hereafter look out Coast lumber trade. profit. n'hen prosperity strikes the It's u'rong lo be making a
Lumber went up on April 18th. The ncw conditions affected the yards, wholesale and retail, along and about the water front.
The combination on April lSth took steps to icduce yard stocks in San Francisco.
Some lumbermen are really happy only rvhen they are making others more nriserable.
The lumber merchants of San Francisco have all shown the stiff upper lip. They had to. Razors and time to use them were at a premium.
The blues are liable to stay a long time with us if we give them the glad hand.
-fhere *'as a heavy run oll lumber iu the Channel district after the fire. The police stopped it, on the request of the ya'd owners. 'fhis looks like undue restriction.
Owing to the heavy lvind after the fire, some of the iumbermen had their offices blown dou'n the str€ets. They should have had strings on their hats.
N. H. Falk was in Los Angeles on April 18th. Hc reports having a hot old time there, even without a fire.
Norv is the time for thc lumbermen to join togcthcr and erect their own Lumber Exchange Building.
San Francisco, fired by Nature, is nou,' ablaze with errthusiasm. f-umbernrcrr rvant littlc here belou,', but thcy don't get that little very long.
There rvcrc pl'enty of short purses, but ferv, if any, long faces seen during or after the fire.
New San Fral.rcisco lumbermen feel a good deal like Jonah-that it takes a great deal to keep a good man down.
It's an ill wincl that blorvs nobody a fe*' bouquets. The mills of the Coast will ship a fer,' feet of lumber to Nerv San Francisco' Fair returu is no robberv. Old San Francisco l.roused the lumbertnen. aud now the lumbeinrcll are to house Neu' San Francisco' unt il rrr
Eight Advertisements from a Lumber Trade Paper of May 1906. These Concerns are AND ARE STILL still doing business, ADVERTISING.

LUilIBER STEA]IIERS (}F ItL SIZES F()B CHARTEB tor Ertd.tr 3 L..c},Ib.d...,;.3h., .nd
Ludbor Gonpart, Iolllt o,;..h.
tlo. 134 Californiq Streef, San Fmncisco.
Redwood Gargoes
Sawn to Order .
40 CelrroRNrA SrREsr, SeN FneNcISco.
Telephone Drurnm 68.
Wholesale Lumber Dealers Fledwood Lumber !
Alfrcd lohnson, Amcricen Mill Co.. EIL River M' & L. Co., Coolllla-lilty.0.c. Gr.y! llrtlot, Wrth. lluarboldt Coooty, Crl 'Greyr-Harbor Lumbcr Co.. Olympia Lumbcr Co..
:HtrcLEs, SHlrEs, BllLRotD TIES, ETG.
6 Callforni.a, St,, San Eyaneteco. Cargoes Furnished at Short Notioe, ( A'rB,-DnIED B,DDWOOD. speclaltles: J "0. & C." 8BAllD llo. I RE0W000 SHllfeLES. t sero-sAwDD sEArDg.
E. K. WOOD LUIhBER COiIPAI{Y (lncorporrted Fab. 6, 1895J
REDWOOD LUMBER, Flr a,rr.d. Sllrrlt(se
Dry Sufaced and Finiehing Lumber a Specialty.
IVille at Scotia, Humboldt County, Cal illain 0ffice: 308 Rialto Building, San Francisco.
YIBDS: Elrth and Ghennel trcclr.
Telepbore Prlvate Exchorrge 4O0.
White Brothers
Importen ol and l)ealerr ln
Hlno WooD LumBER
Ualngotw, h*maooro...W_..W_W
LUMBER ""d BOX SHOOKS, 3F Shlp Tlmber and Cargoer Crrt to Order.
Eel Buer Ualley Lumber
Mlllr at Ncwbur;, Humboldt Gounty.
E. f. D0DGE C0il|PANY, Agents.