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Manufacturerr of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar.
Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant - Bay Point.
Annual Production
200,(X)0,0(X) Feet
GENERAL OFFICES :tH ?:'"t5}'t'
Los Angeles Ofrce, Elt6 Central BIdg.
Men Who Know B,ry Them!
Double Throughout
$7.50 l\fE don't claim thcy're ABSOLUTELY wgtcr proof- YOU know bettcr! Nothing but nrbber or rlickci IS. But thcy DO rhed LOTS of watce-unbelicvable quantitier. Rail' road mcn ure then<nd cruirerr and loggcr. Givc chest moa.ure onh/.
Send for our catrlog H on Fileon Bctter Outdoor Clothct. Frcc for the uking.
c. c. FILSON CO.
1fi)5-1(X)Z First Ave. - Seattle, Warh.
"Fikon Clothes for the Man Who Knoars."

E OR the lnterior trim and nnlsh of flne I' kltchens, and other rooms where beauty, strength antl abillty to resist wear are d.e- sired-spruce ls inalicateal.
Spruce is the tougihest anal whltest of the soft wooda. Easlly worked and easily ffnished, spruce requires fewer coats of paint or varnish and less labor to produce a beau- tiful and enduring flnish.
For local building needs and other purposes, an unllmlted supply of flnest quality Graham Island Sitka Spruce ls assured through our extensive holdings, whlch inclutle a tract approxlmately 3,500,000,000 feet of virgln timber on Graham Island. B, C.
Prices and iletails furnisheit on request.