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Domestie and Philippine Hardwood Panels
Bataan Lamao
Realizing the demands made uPon Pacifrc Coast manufacturers for better made Plywoods, we have spared neither exPense nor effort in organizing and equipping our plant to meet these demands. Only the best in machinety and faw matefials are used to produce the highest quality in Panels.
The face veneers of both our domestic and foreign woods are selected and match ed by exPerts of long experience, while the cores afe manufactured and seasoned in our own plant, thercby giving a scientifically correct base to our quality veneers'
With large stocks'always on hand, we can supply immediately what' ever our exacting trade demands.
Redwood Pipe And Tanks
We have manufactured and installed PACIFIC Tanks, Pipe and Vats for mining and milling companies, irrigation districts, etc., continuously since | 888. If you have a problem let our engineers help you.
rod'r tL' hwr of Cdllonrlr Southcra
W. T. BLACK J. cl. Dtmm, Pnr. ud Truer.i J. E. Mud!, Vlcc-Pru.; A- C. Mcrryru, Jr., Scy. 2nd Nattod BaD& BHt' Houton, Tru su Frrncrrco 3r&rr-a cENTRAL "tltHnt:i3"rt ff"EP"ii,'St.:?S.ibHoNE, vAnrurc .E s Covcn Nntim Cdlf. Eutarcd s Sacod-clu -uattcr Scptanbrr 8, lW at rhc Potoffio lt ud P*tic Ncthwcrt Lc Anlcbr' Callfcllr' udcr Act o[ Much $ ft7t. Advcrtiring Rrtcr subrcription Pricc'
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir Cargo. The Weet Coart lumber indurtry continuec to be in a rtrong pooition with eccrunulative orders and for the frret eighteen weelc of thir yGar are 7.44 pet cent above accumulative production. the Wert Coart Lum' bernren'r Acrociation redrb under d'ate of May 11. The millr are holdins pricer fttn, they have tmusually hish rm' filled order filer, and inventorier are low.
The California market rhowed very little change during the part two weelo, the demand ir holding up well and pricer are firm. Vertical grain clears continue rtrong. No. 4 vertical grain f,oorbs ir rcarce and the rnarket is vety stro,ng on thie item. Unrold rtockr on the d'ocks at San Pedro rhowed a further decline-on Mey 13 ttere war 7126210{}0 feet on hand. There *e 23 lumber verelr tied up, and 1 vecscl ir operating off rhore.
Fir cargb arrivfu at San Francisco for the month o! Aplil totaled *,479,O0O feet. Cargo arrivals et San Pedro for April totaled 93,896,0O0 feet.
-Douglar Fir Rail. The rail market ie firm and mixed car orderr are particulady drong. The mills report good order filer and mill rtocla are low.
Prices on l,eth and ehingler are unchanged. Redwood. The demand ir holding up well and pricer are firm. The South Amcrican and New Zetland rnarketr are active. A good volume of burines ir moving eart. There b a good de-rnand for rplit productr with rtockr on hand low.
Pomona Valley Lumbermen Meet at Ontario
The Ponrona Valley Lumbermen's Club held a dinner meeting at Ontario on Tuesday evening, May 7. 20 dealers *ere piesent. 'Following a general business session, R. T. Titus, field representative for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, outlined the rvork that West Coast association is doing in cooperation with the California dealers, and also explained the American Lumber Standards.
H. L. Sullivan, manager of the Western Lumber Company, San Diego, sailed May 15 on an extended trip to Australia.
I g. B. Harris of the E. B. Harris Lumber Company, Inglewood, Calif.. has recently been elected president of the Inglewood Rotary Club.
Redwood cargo arrivalr at San Francirco for the month of April totaled 23r939rq)O f€et. Cargo anivab at San Pedro for April amounted to 5r789rOOO feet.
Cdifonria White and Sugai'pine. The dernand-ir good and pricee are 6rm. Reteilerr in the eartern marketr are buvirig more freely. The demand from the rarh and door f"&ofrer in the Mlriseippi Valley territory continuct s9o4' The export demand ir gt;ady. The dernand for white 6r ir good, ipecially dirneneion, -with uolold etockr at the millr low.
The National Lurnber Manrt'acturers Association reports the following:oftrrood end hardwood statirtics for the fint 18 weekr oi 1929, bared on regional arociationrePgrts: Wert Coast Lumberments Acsociation. Productiont 3,O4O,9O4 M feet; Shipmentr, 3,055,713 M feet; Ordere' 3,207,176 M feet.

'California Redwood Auociation. Productionr 132'356 M feet; Shipnrenh, 1271693 M feet; Orders, 144,82214 ft:t' ClUf"ltti" Whlt" and Susar Pine Acsociation. Productionn sza,iS fr f*t; Shipmentl 472,676 M feet; Orderr, 475,595 M feet. Southern Pine Anociation. Production, 111791609 M feet; Shipmentr, lr2g4r0ll M feet; Orderr, 1-,27-O,49O^M feet. ihe total hardwood'movement for the fint 18 wecks of 1929 i! ar follows: Production 949,489 M feet; Shipmentsr 956,564 M feet; Orderr, 970,508 M feet.
Executive Committee of Southern District Meet at Los Angeles
The regular monthly executive meeting- of the. Southern Distict of the Cilifornia Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at the Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, on Saiurday, May 4. The meeting was called to order by Presideni H. A. Lake. The following state association directors were present: A. E. Fickling, O._ W.-H3Tilton,,C' W. Pinkerton, W. R. Vanderwood and W' S. Spicer' Dee Essley, A. C. Baker and R. T. Titus, together with twelve "ssociation secretaries from the various Southern California districts were also Present.
Dudlev Chandler, President Lake, Kenneth Smith, W' S' Spicer alta n. T. Titus addressed the meeting.
The Fox-Woodsum Lumber Company, with head offices at Glendale, Calif., have purchased the yard formerly owned by Alley Bros. at North Hollywood.
A neu and distinctioe beautg in uood treatment.