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How About Your Share of These Profits?

The Product is Right TheMarket is Waiting We're Pulling for You

fncreased salespleased customersmore business and greatel profits are reported by many lumber dealers since the introduction of the extended line of Cowan Standardized Built-in Cabinets.

Sales possibilities are plentiful-new houses going up-old ones being re-modeled--every contractor that comes into your yard-all represent prospective sales of built-in cabinets. Of course, you can sell the lumber for the cabinet work, but instead, why not take the greater profit offered by the waiting and growing market for these better cabinets that are built and readv to install?

Co',san Breahfast Room

Corner Cabinets are proving ertremelY PoPular and afford oPPortunities for Profit in sdles to owners of homes alreadY built. Four Pleasing desi,gns to select from,

Cowan Standardized Built-in Cabinets

Here is the type of product that builds your business beyond the profit limits of "two by fours". Cowan Cabinets are merchandise with a selling thought behind them, carrying a pro6t margin not subject to market variations. The conractor benefits far more by their use than if he built the cabinets on the job; their beauty and features of convenience appeal more strongly to the home

Get your share of this business that needs only a little of your effort to develop into a profit leader. We'll give you all the information you want, help you with advertising matter and sales promotion work. Just ask us about it-we will gladly explain without obligating you in arry way.

Since issuing our neu) catalog, we hazte had, a large demand f or the Telephone Cabinet shown abozte, and. for Venetian Mirror Cabinets, of utkich one ol the four desigzs r's pictured belou, They add a pleasing decoratioe touch and are easily installed when remodelihg as well as when first building.

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