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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf

Francis Boyd Wins Low Gross Priz+Don Philips Low Net Prize Vinner.

I Franqis _Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara, was the winner of the low gross prize, the Frank Curran ctrp, with a snappy score of 76 at the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, on Friday afternoon, May 10. He shot a 4O going out, and had a 36 coming home, which nearly equalled Old Man Par for the Oakmont course. Don Philips, Hart-Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, captuffi- tffiiv net p@1he Roy Stanton cup, tuining in i card with a net score of. 67.

The winners of the flight events were as follows: first flight, first prize, sweater, A. E. Muller, second prize, golf sox, Roy Stanton; second flight, first prize, "Knickers", J. J. Cline, second prize, golf sox, Herman Rosenberg; third flight, first prize, sweater, M. R. Gill, second prize, golf sox, Frank Neimeyer; fourth flight, first prize, "Knickers", J. E. Martin, second prize, box of golf balls, Harvey Bowles.

86 golfers took part in the tournament. Following the tournament, over 70 attended the dinner that was served in the Club House at 6:30 P. M. Rov Stanton. chairman of the prize committee, awarded the prizes. Tiie tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club with the following committee in charge of the arrangements: Max Landram, chairman; handicaps and startinC, W. R. Vanderwood; prizes, Roy Stanton; publicity, Ed. Martin; sec-

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