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Chas. R. McCormick Picnic
Nearly 200 people rvere aboard the Crowley launch -on Sunday-morning, April 28, when "Commodore" Jack Kelly gave the word to shove ofi at 9 a.m. for the trip to Paradise Cove in "Marvelotts Marin," for the fourth annual picnic of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company and the McCormick Steamship Company. The party included employees of the two comPanies and their relatives and friends.
The program included games, races, srvimming, dancing, baseball and an outdoor barbecue.
' Chas. L. Wheeler, vice-president and general manager of in the McCormick Girls' Fifty-yard Dash, and Ewald and Belli were first home in the Three-I-egged Race.
The Wheelbarrow Race was won by the team of Milam and Lauricelli.
In the dancing contests Miss Vivian Craig and M1..SnLd conquered all opposition in the Prize Waltz' and Miss Olson -and Gordon Rowley won the Varsity Drag.
Gate prizes *ere *ott by the following: -First, lick Davis; slcond, Mary Oyster; third, Mrs. Chas' L. Wheeler; fourth, Miss Campbett; fitth' John Conlan, and sixth, Mr' Manus.
McCormick the McCormick Steamship Company, acted as chairman of the day. The '"r'eather was perfect and everybody had a good time.
- Winners in the various events were as follows: Men's Race, W. N. Kennedy, first; S. Tenhoor, second. I-adies' Race, Miss Zandier, first; Miss Elroy, second. Children's Race (girts), Mary Mareno, first; Lucy Elliot, second. Children's.Race (boys), Robert Elliot, first; J. Conley, second.
Jerry Dundon's team won the first prize in the Compa-nY Employees' Relay Race. I\Iiss Vivien Craig won first prize
W. R. Spaulding, well known Visalia lumberman, president of the W. R. Spaulding Lumber Co., spent a few days in the San Francisco Bay district during the first week in M.y.
C. D. Johnson, president of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., Poriland, spent a few days in San Francisco at the end of April. Mr. Johnson was on his way back to the Northwest from.an extendecl Eastern trip.
H. L. Brown, for the past eight years roofing estimator in Los Angeles, has announced that he is now in the employ of the Patten-Davies Lumber Company.
Prizes lvere also awarded to the winning men's and ladies' Baseball teams.
The various .committees consisted of the following: Dance, Leona M. Perkins, Gordon Rowley; Sports, f.. C. Strittmatter, M. C. Darr, M. A. Nolan, John Conlan; Prizes, Jack Kelly (General chairman), G.9. McRorey, Harry March, M. g. Woodson, Howard Ewing, F. J. Staplelon' Harry Levinson; Tickets, W. V. Martin, G. Garnjost,- Geo. Pell,-E. Smith, C). Mauthe, C. J. Schmitt, Earl Erickson; Accounts, E. P. I-ewis.