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CATIFORNIA REDWOOD UI{Mil TUMBER Ctl. Northwest Door Firms Consolidate

The building industry will be interested in the announcement iqst made by The Wheeler, Osgood Company, .Tacoma, Washington, of the consolidationof the Nicolai Door Malufacturing Company, Portland, Oregon, with their oiganization. The Wheeler, Osgood Complny now own and operate two complete door factories, two veneer plants and their own slwmill. Their assets will total over S0,Om,Om.

The Nicolai Door Manufacturing Company will continue to- op_erate under its own name as a subsidiary company of The Wheeler, Osgood Company. Harry T. Niiolai will iontinue to manage the Portland concern and also becomes a director and officer of the parent company.

, The merger will enable the combined companies to ofier their ctrstomers a complete serviee in Laminex fir doori, Nicolai veneered doors, garage doors, pine doors both solid and veneered, mixed carloads of solid fir doors, Philip- pine Lamin.ex doors, Laminex plywood both fir and Philiipine, mouldings, columns and trim. Both plants ate "orir- pletely equipped to take care of all designi and grides of doors, plywood and trim even if some unforeseen accident should prevent the other fronr functioning according to present plans. _The merger will also givelhe compinies a more thorough sales representation over the countiy.

The officers of The Wheeler, Osgood Company are now: 99otg9 J. Osgood, President; W. R. Ripley, Hariy T. Nicolai and George R. Osgood, Vice-Presidenti; W. C. Wheeler, Jr., Secretary, and N. O. Cruver, Treasurer.

Holmes-Eureka Office on Daylight Saving Time

"Our San Francisco office went on daylight saving time on May 6, and we find our customers, our-office stJfi and our mill well satisfied with the change," said Fred Holmes of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently."'We start now at 8 a.m. and quit at 4 p.m., and find theie hours work out fine as the mill starts at 8 o'clock. and all retail yards ar€ open by that time, and the saving of an hour make a lot of difference in contacting' our ehicago office.

"'We also find that visiting retailers appreciate the fact that they can call as early as 8 a.m. and find us on the job, and for our part we hope that other manufacturers will also decide to adopt daylight saving," Mr. Holmes concluded.

Buenos Aires Street Car System Buys Redwood

The sale of a quantity of wide clear Redwood, 1x18, for use by the Buenos Aires street car system was announced recently by W. D. Dunning, sales manager of The Little River Redwood Company, San Francisco.

"This lumber will be used for advertising signs on the sides of the double decker street cars and buies of this g"rlft_loulh American city of nearly 2,000,000 population,,' said Mr. Dunning.

Clyde Osborne In California

Clyde W. Osborn-e, manager of the Creosoting Department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portiand, arrived in San Francisco on May 7 f.or a two weeks, stay in California, which will include- a visit to Los Angeles. -

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