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California Building Permits For April
Redwood Inspector Visits Southwest
Inspector H. F. Fisher of the California Redwood Association recently visited the mills of the Finkbine Lumber Co., D'Lo, Miss.l and of the Great Southern Lumber Co. at Bogalus a, La., to inspect Redwood for two bridges at Hebei Springs, Ark. The material was sold by the Great Southern Lumber Co.
*Included in Los Angeles totals.
Flagpole Manufacturer Visits California
George Murphy, of the Portland Spar Company, Portland, wis a recint visitor to San Francisco, where he made his headquarters at the offices of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber -Co., California distributors for "Westfir" flag poles and other products manufactured by this concern.
It isntt neceosaflr to be sentlnentat over the worknen who are torced bY newer and better rnethods and tnach' lnery to tlnd other enployment. They usually locate even better fobc. Thts chape lor lnctancer who has been carrying around the ten or twenty pcr cent of wacte lunber ln your factoryt nay cerve wtth beneflt to You and hlncelt by handltng HIDE atl uruabte dlnenclon.