1 minute read
the Lumber Business needs t r .
Here's what H. T. Hultberg, rnanager of the Skandia Coal & Lu'-her Company at Rockford, Ill., hae to say about 4-Square:
"Grade marLed Iumber givea overybody mono coaftdonco in tho lumber bucineas, and the lunbet businegs neede it. 4-Squaro rrteana that there ialesg chrnce for'fudgingt. Our competltlon hero ln RocLford is nice and clean so that doecntt nean as much to me ss lt trould in a town wherr thinge werentt eo open and above board. But here; an any placo elae, yorr cantt havo too much goodwill and faith and thatte what 4-Sguare develops. f hopo the tlme cones soon whoNr wo c.n cany grado marLod lumbor all the way through.tt rn IIE forward-looking lumber r dealer sees in 4-Square Lumber something over and beyond its immediate efrect on his business and profits. He sees in it the first definite step to restore public confidcnce in lumber; the first definite rneans by which the reliable, st[uare-ehooting yard can pnove its right to confidence in a concrete way-a quolity stondard against which any inexperienced IDerson can judge lumber.
To a few such dealers in each locdty, Weyerhaeuser is extending the 4-Square Franchise as fast as increased rnill capacity perrnits.
We suggest that you address our nearest branch office or inquire of our district representative for full detaile of the 4-Square Plan.
WEYERHAEUSER SALiES COMPANY, rrratibntort oJ Weyerhaeus€r ForeEt hoducto Goneral Ofrcca: SPIOKAI\E WAIIHING$N BratrchOfir,rst
MIIINBAPOIIS CHICAG'O XAI\TsAs CITY MLEIX) flt6Plymouth Bldg. 2llt SG L Selto St" l|l8 n /L lao3 Dld& tlo Sond Nrt. BrnL Etdri PITTIiBI'NGH PEII.ADEI.PHH NEW YORK td)l FtntNrt. BuLBtds. ld0o AFb gl!6t tl06 Ghrnb Bfde.
SFcies and Grade are Marked and Guaranteed