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All Lumbermen Should Subscribe

Enclosed please find check for two bucks to cover my subscription to your newsy paper. I enjoy reading it greatly. Personally I think all lumbermen should subscribe (young and old) as you publish plenty of information that is real news to most of us. Frank W. Prideaux. San Francisco. California.

Arthur T. Upson Chosen Aide For Lumber Trade Bxtension Work

Selection of Arthur T. Upson as Assistant Trade Extension Manager for trade extension work of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association was announced on May 1 by Secretary-Manager Wilson Compton. Mr. IJpson, who was Eastern Divisional Manager at New York, will be chief administrative assistant to Walter F. Shaw, recently chosen to direct trade promotion work. In his new office Mr. Upson will have specific direction of the Division of Lumber Standards and Specifications and will be particu- larly charged with promotion of the National AssoCiation's Grade-Marking and Trade-Marking program

San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club Will Meet ls,day 23

W. R. Chamberlin, head of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., will be chairman of the day at the next luncheon meeting of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club. which will be held at the Elks Club, San Francisco, on Thursday noon, May 23. "Slip" Madigan, coach at St. Mary's Coliege, will bi the speaker of the day, and Mr. Chamberlin promises some entertainment features that will be unusual.

George Loff

George Loff, general manager of the Standard Timber Company, Evanston, Wyoming, died suddenly of heart failure, on April 25. The body was taken to Wichita, Kansas, for burial, arrangements being in charge of J. S. Prestridge of that city and R. W. Prestridge of Oklahoma City, brothers of the deceased's wife. Mr. Loff was 46 years of age, a Dartmouth graduate, and was born and reired at Worcester, Mass. The company, of which he lvas manager, is engaged in the manufacture of cross ties and mine props, their output going to the Union Pacific Railway.

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