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Easier to Apply and at No Greater Gost A Fine Job rvith MONOTITH
Plasterers who have used Monolith Waterproof Portland Cement say they can get a finer job at no greater cost for the following reasons:
215 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone TRinits 7036
Cement plaster made with Monolith spreads easily and smoothly to any desired thickness. A saving of from Li to 25 per cent in time of applying is effected.
No additional ingredients are required in the mix to make the plaster waterproof
Thirty to thirty.five shovels of sand can be mixed with one sack of Monolith Waterproof as against fifteen to eighteen shovels of sand to a sack of regular cement.
Monolith will produce a stronger wall-one that is absolutely waterproof.
Contractors and dealers write for booklet gt rittg complete information, including testimonial letters from those who have used our cemen[.