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Hand Hewed'REDWOOD
Makes Beautiful Ceiling
One of the most beautiful ticket offices in this country is thit of the Dollar steamship Line in Los Angeles. It is refined, luxurious and unique in the absence of a counter.
specifications for the Redwood ceiling were as fo[[ows: ,.Main ceiling of Redwood to have all surfaces hand hewed except panel mold adjoining the beams, then lightly sand p.p"r"J and given a coat of acetic acid and iron stain; then oit filled to produce a fawn grey tone and given a coat of white shellac, then glazed with a walnut tone gLaze and high lights wiped to show fawn greY: Decorated soffits in reverse stencil. Glaze with rotten stone glaze and wax finish. The hand hewing to be done to a certain pattern and before ceiling is assembled'"
A gorgeous ceiling is the result.
One time a cherry tree blew down in Grandmother's o rchard.
He.r grandson was then about twelve years old. He was given the job of making it up into stovewood.
That was nearly forty years ago but he still thinks it was the hardest piece of timber to split that he ever saw until he met Pe-Co Frn Pr,ywooo.
K Grips Nails clear to the edge"
Declares the Cabinet Maker
"Don't have to worry about the wood splitting out around the nailswhen I use PA-CO FIR PLYWOOD.''
"But isrr't it hard to work)" asked the man with the inquiring mind. "l should say not-you can saw it any direction, and because it comes in such wide panels it saves a lot of matching and fitting one would have to do with other boards.
In recent laboratory tests it zuas pro'uen that when tuto pieces of Pe-Co are nailed, together it requires an aaerage of three tiuoes the l>utling power to separate them that it tahes in the case of solid lutnber under th,e same conditions, ond' when screuted together it requires a,n a.aerage of twice the pulling power.
It has the old cherry tree beaten a mile for toughness for you can't start to split Pe-Co.
That center core with the grain running crosswise does the trick.
And Pe-Co will hold a dealer's trade just like it holds nails, too.