1 minute read


Better And For Less Bu

This new, improved lumber prccticolly eliminqtes trimming ond squoring on the jobl For both ends ond edges ore tongued ond grooved! Boords don't hqve to be joined over lroming members-they simply lollow eqch other in ploce, qre trimmed only ct openings ond ot the end ol runs.

4-SQUARE ENDLESS LUMBER opens new profit opportunities lor you.It gives you cr complete new sqles story obout lumber, the best ond most prccticol building moteriol. The scvings in time qnd motericl thot ENDLESS mqkes possible ore goined in sheothing, siding, ceiling ond finish llooring pctterns.

One outstonding use for ENDLESS LUMBER is os diogonol sheothing. With stqndqrd lumber eoch piece must be trimmed crnd squored be{ore opplicotion. But now builders cqn employ this superior construction qt q cost thqt compores fovorobly wth the cost of ordinory horizontql crpplicotionl

Write Ior full detoils concerning this improved Iumber. Here is o profit item thot is worth investigcting.

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