1 minute read

Diffond covnesWest...fo ilelp Uou Sell lllorE Pl,Ullf00D !

..11' THn PUR"PosB of the Douglas A Fir Plvwood Associadon is to further tire s"l.s and to extend the uses of Douglas Fir Plywood.

To accomplish this we seek your cooperation and that of every other factor in the distribution of lumber products. To help us work understandingly with you we have chosen as oru manager \f. E. Dilford from Louisville, Kentucky.

"Diff," as hundreds of retailers know him, has been a reail lumber merchant, and secretary of the

Kentucky Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. He has been a millwork jobber and president of the National Association of Millwork Jobben.

Our trade promotion and advenising activities will have the personal supervision of Mr. Difford. You can count on ir that this advertising and trade promotion will be done with an experienced understanding of how we can help you to better merchandise our product.

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