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How Lumber Looks

During the week ended April 23, 526 mills produced 173,240,000 feet of hardrvoods and softwoods combined; shipped 176,934,000 feet; and booked new business of 159,874,000 feet, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations.

The lumber industry during the week stood at 52 per cent of the 1929 weekly average of production and 54 per cent of average 1929 shipments. Production was about 50 per cent of the corresponding week of 1929.

New business for the week reported by 443 softwood mills totaled 154,046,000 feet; shipments were 171,047,000 feet; and production 167,180,000 feet.

101 hardwood mills gave new business for the week as 5,828,000 feet ; shipments 5,887,000 feet; and production 6,060,000 feet.

A total of 151 down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended April 30, produced 75,744,759 f,eet of lumber. At the rate of cutting at the reporting mills, the entire industry produced 48.4 per cent of its average weekly cut during 1926-29.

The new business reported taken during the week by these mills was 76,444,497 feet. Shipments were 88,517,256 feet. The unfilled order file stood at 26A,076,537 feet.

The Association reports'that production, orders and shipments of lumber as shown in this week's report are extremely low for this time of year. The average production and orders for April, 1938 are the lowest for a comparable period since 1933. Shipments are lowest since same period of. 1934.

The Western Pine Association 30, l18 mills reporting, gave new for the week ended April business as 60,877,000 feet; shipments 51,-145,000 feet; and production 49,092,000 f.eet. The increase in new business over the previous week was 10,629,000 feet, or 21.1 per cent. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 139.447.000 feet.

The California Redwood Association reported production of 13 mills for the week ended April 23 as 6,954,000 feet; shipments 11,680,000 feet; and new business 6,568,000 feet. Week-end orders on hand were 42.023.000 feet.

107 rnills reporting to the Southern Pine Association for the week ended April 30 gave new business as 23,805,000 feet; shipments 26,305,000 feet, and production 23,257,O00 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 43,883,000 feet.

Mortgages for home building and home buying accepted for examination and valuation at the Los Angeles office of the Federal Housing Administration during February, March and April totaled 6,683, valued at $30,883,900.

During the like period of. 1937, the Los Angeles office accepted 3,879 cases, valued at 17,205,350.

Frorn the standpoint of dollar volume, approximately 60 per cent of the applications cover the construction of new homes.

Lumber cargo receipts at l-os Angeles Harbor for the week ended May 8 totaled 19,668,000 feet, a gain of 1,659,000 feet over the previous week.

As we go to press the was closed April 30 due port of Tacoma is still closed. It to an inter-union dispute.

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