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That Witl Wi ess Dor YOU

Kolor-Trim moldings strike a new and entirely dil{erent note in inierior decoration, These pre-decorated wood moldings assure conplete coloz harmony in interior decoration. Reversibie Cove Pattern available in three colors; Chair-Rail in five colors; BeadMoiding in four colors-all harmonizing with the rich shades oI Nu-Wood.

Again Nu-Wood takes the lead in buildinq more business and more profits for YOU! Now, wiih Nu-Wood and Kolor-Trim, you can offer a complete interior finish job at ONE low cost . . . and with all materials obtained from ONE source of supply: yourself! What is more, you can offer complete and authentic color harmony in Nu-Wood interiors, plus ihe economy of having the entire job done by ihe carpenter! Here is fie way to build up your interior finish business-to put yourself further ahead oI competition-and to reap a bigger harvest of profits. Let us show you why lumber dealers who handle Nu-Wood hold the winning cards today-write us lor complete information! WOOD CONVERSION COMPANY, New York, Chicaqo, St. Paul, Dallas, Tacoma. Mills at Cloquet, Minn.

Nu-Wood Wainscot provides even greater uselulness Ior Nu-Wood interior linish! It has a textured surlace ol outslanding charm. rich, warm color that combines harmoniously with the colors ol Nu-Wood Plank, Tile and Kolor-Trirn plus a hard, sculf prool surface for maxiurum durability.

(Continued from Page 6) though he be rich, because nature knows nothing of bank balances and if you want a good appetite for dinner you can get the best one by working for that dinner; if you would sleep we_ll at night, earn that rest by physical effort.


It may be promoting Henry a lot to class his utterances with those of the great philosophers, but genius is where you find it. It has been well said that no hovel is ever safe from a visit of genius, but that it seldom appears in a mansion. Henry started in a hovel. Now he lives in a mansion, but preserves for posterity, various humble abodes in which genius made its appearance on this earth. He recently preserved the home of the Wright Brothers for posterity.


And going back for a moment to the group of mighty minds of the days of Diogenes, let us recall that our modern civilized religions have added nothing to their philosophies. They preached gentleness, consideration of others, moderation in everything, helpfulness, and the understanding that one man's rights ends where another's begins. They were barbarians in a way. But, oh, what grand ones! Wonder what Plato, who was grateful to have known Socrates, would have thought of Hitler?

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