1 minute read

A Salesman's Attributes

By Jack Dionne

My recent eeries oI scles editoriqls in these pqges ftqs rlircsssed leg worlc sirnplicity in selling, constqnt solicitqtion, exposing one's sell to more orders, etc. They hcrve been extensively reprinted cnd utilized by our recrders, cmd the cry hcs come lor more oI the sqme.

Scrlesurcrnship is so intcngible c thing, depending so lcrgely on the personcl equction, thct it is not subiect to definite humcn chcrrting curd directing. A student of selling ccn but poini out the proven trcde routes, cnd then let the other lellow apply them to his own ccrse, hig own chcrrqcter, his own personcrlity, as best he mcry.

Whct is c REAL salesmcm? Ah" Iriendl Thct is a hcrrd question cnd one thct no wise mcn will cttempt delinitely to cnswer. A lew genercl suggestions, however, mcy not be crmiss. I would scry thct cr REAL sclesmcm is:

One who hqs q stecdy eye, a stecdy nerve, stecrdy hcbits, cnd stecrdy tongue.

One who underslands men cnrd who ccn make himsell understood by men

One who turns up with cr smile, qnd who still smiles iI he is turned down.

One who strives to out-thinh rather thcrn out-tclk the prospect.

One who is silent when he hss nothing to scy cnd clso when lhe prospect hcs something to saY.

One who tcrkes cr firm interest in the firm'g inlerest.

One who knows thct he looks clter his own best interests when he looks out lor the customer's best interests.

One who keeps his word, his temper, and his friends.

One who wins respect by being respectcble, respecdul, cnd respected.

One who cqn be courteous in the lcce oI discourtesy.

One who hcrs sell confidence, but who shows no ego.

One who is loved by his lellow men" his customers, ccrd even his compeiitors.

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