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Subrcriptioa Pricc, $2ID per Ycrr
Single Copierr 25 ccntr cach. LOS ANGELES, CAL., JUNE
How Lumber Looks
Do,uglar Fir (Cargo)--Owing to the carpenten' rtrike in San Francirco and Oa,kland, the retail demand, enpecially in the San Francirco market, har dropped ofi coruiderably during the pest two wee,ks Sorne mill reprecentativa re- port that plenty of burinere has corre in from the New York and Philadelphia marketr drring the pa* week, and that mitl qrptations, eopecially from the cargo milts, it holding up well for specified cdting orders.
(Rail)-naurhial or etri*e conditionr in S"o Francieco har alro had an effec in elowing up tte demand for rail rhiprnentr. The delrrand in other rectione ir only fair drring the Last two wed<rr'with no changes in pricer.
The fir ma*€t ar a whole for both cargo and rail in the Bay District ie alWgirh. Pricer continue rnsatisfactory in all rections.
California White end SWar Pine.-Milb report trhat tihc market ha"r ehown rorne improvement and market har a bctter tone. Prices remain firrn
Redwood.-Local rmrka for Commonr ir active with tte demand for upperr a little slow. The eartem mar&et har been good brd dudns the pert week the demand har drop- ped off a little. Pricer are firm.
Cargo volurnc har been fair the part two weelr, but with pricer remaining very uneatirfactory. The larger yards are buying for tteir immediate needr, in good quantitiec, and the appearancer reem to suggert that thl next lirty dayr will rse no great change, in care the building holdr up.
Cargo receiptr at Sen Pedro will total ver5r clote to 135rfl)OTOOO feet for May. The ruuold ctockr down tfrere have been ttinned out romewhat, probably 3O%.
Santa Ana, California
I|tf'ay 24, 1926.
Fellow Lumberman:
The annual California Lumbcrmen's Association picnic will be held at Orange County Park, on Saturday,-June 5th, and i! iq to be hoped that every lumber yard in Southern California will 5e closed, at l-east for thi after4oon, !n order that thcre may be a large attendance. The Committees are working hard to make this picnic a success, a-nd you may be sure_ that there will be plenty adoing, from the time the gong rings for dinner at iZ:45, until fire orchestra gives out late in the afternoon,
To start with, you will have to bring your own basket lrmch. The Eats Committee promises enough cofiec, sugar, cream-, and lemonade for everyone, but if you fail to br-in€i y-our^lurrch, yo-u are apt to go hungry. This picnic is foi all of thc e.mployees, from the smallest boy to the biggest lumber jack. Bring them all and we will see that-t-hey have a good timc.
Among other items, the Entertainment Committee has schedufed the-followin-g: -Nail driving contest for women, races forthe boys and girls, and theie will bc games and
Rail dernand, in the interior, is fair. The inland torrnr are enjoying a good buitding volume and the yardr are edling plenty of materialr, and are in better condition then are the operatorr in the l"rg.t communitier.
Building permitr in Lor Angeles may hit $12,0OO,OOO for the month of May. To the night of the 28th the arnout war crowding eleven million.
A report from the north a few dayt ago raid: playground apparatus for the small children. This should be enough to keep everybody happy.
The general outlook does not show much to be entburiertic over.
The conrtant downward prcllure of the domectic watcr martets ir beginning to hurt the all-rail buriners, which hu becn the backbone of the markA ro far thir year. In Cdifornia the nrinourly low delivered pricer et which cargo buri. ners ir being accepted ir permitting beckhaul rhipmentr into the interior to dominate the territory ttat normally ir reached by all-rail rhipmentr frorn millr in Oregon and the rerrilt ir further price reductionr to a point that makee it extrencly diftcult for tte inhnd plantr to rneet the competition. On the Atlantic coad a rufrcient emount of lumbcr ir etill bcing brought in unrold to give the dealcre tAe upper hand and dc' livered pricet are the lowect they have bGen in tbe lart twelve monthr.
Unfortrmately, due to t'he {ulln656 of tte dornestic watcf market, t'he cargo millr are having to move a lerEer percentage than rnrnl of their upp€rr by rail and not being in porition to accept mixed cars are making special rale ofrenr at pricec greatly out of line with mixed car bruinecs and as a reeult thir is frightening the Middle Wert and Eartern yardr into holding back their placementr evcn mo're than ttey w€ne.
GOLF BUGS-ATTENTION: If you want to play golf, you will have to play Saturday morning, on the Fairway course at Orange, commencing at nine o'clock. If you are interested, get in touch with Mr. Will Clement, care of the Clement Lumber Compann Orange, in order that arrangements rnay be made.
There will be a baseball game of indoor, of playground ball. The Retailers have issued a challenge to the Wholesalers, and there should be enough action in this to satisfy every baseball fan.
Dancing will commence at 2:3Q and will continue untit the orchestra gives out.
We wish to emphasize the fact tlat this is your picnic, and only by your attendance can you make it a succesa. We want to show you the finest picnic park in Southcrn California, and promise you a good time.
Hoping to sec you there, we are Rcspectfully yours,
By Wdter S. Spicer, Chairman.
Frank M. Connelly Makes Chan$e
An announcement that will be received with marked interest by the lumber trade of Southern California is that being mide by officials of the John Johnson Flooring.Coqpanf, 6f.I2 Santa Monica Bouievard, Hollywood,,to tlte S! ie"t tttat Frank M. Connelly is now actively associated with that concern as Vice-President and General Manager.
Mr. Connelly is well known throughout Southern California, having -been actively engaged in the lumber business for a period "of fifteen yeats, tfielast five of which he was Manaler of the Hardwood Flooring Department of the Woodhead Lumber Company.
During his association with the Woodhead Lumber Company, wfiich dates back to 1921, his exp_ert knowledge of hooiing materials, his familiarity with flooring -problems, and hiJ wealth of merchandisine experience enabled him to consistently build up a huge *ioturire of business for that concern in hardwood flooring sales.
Under his supervision, the Hardwood FlooringDepartment of the Woodhead Lumber'Company gained an enviable reputation throughout the Southlatt-d, qo that it so.on became one of the outsianding names in the industry, with a reputation for handling a laige portion of the business in this localitv.
Mr. Conlelly's new association with the John Johnson Company will bring to that well known concern a world of .*peiiet ce and godd will that he has built up during his previous connection. '
With Connelly assuming the managership of the Johnson Company, that concern will immediately enter the wholesale held, but will also continue to do a local retail business, as thev have heretofore.
Oregon National Forests Top Lists
Portland, Ore., May 15.-The twenyt-two national forests of Oregon and Washington have 39 p,er cent of- the merchantable saw timber of the 159 national forests of the United States ahd Alaska, according to a recent timber stand survey received at. the district forester's office here. Oregon stands first in the list of states in the amount of national forest timber.
The combined total for the nation's 159 national forests is 577,000,000,00O feet. Oregon, with 14 and a fraction forests has 153,500,000,000 feet. California, with 95,000,000,000 feet in her 17 forests comes second in the list of states. Alaska with 85,000,000,000 feet and Washington with 77,' 000,000,000 are next on the list.
Douglas Fir, Western Yellow Pine and Western Hemlock constitute more thah 60 per cent of the combined totals of all tree species. The number of feet estimated for each is as follows: Douglas Fir, 152,500,000,00O; Western Yellow Pine, 108,000,000,000; Western Hemlock, 91,000,000,000.
Four L Board Approves Group Inaurance at Semi-Annual Meetin$
PORTLAND, Ore., May 22.-A plan whereby all 4 L members may benefit through sickness and accident insurance at group rates through a blanket policy of the organization, was ipproved by the Board of Directors of the Loyal Legion of Loggers aird Lumbermen at its fifteenth semiannual meeting, held here May 17 and 18.

W. C. Ruegnitz, 4 L president, reported the organization to be in a sound financial condition and to have made consistent progress throughout the past six months. Membership gains have been steady, he said.
No change was made in the 4 L minimum wage scale.. A committee was named to study the subject of apprenticeship in regard to the sash, door and box industries, and to report at the fall meeting of the board.
The organization tendered its aid to the campaigls to extend luhber uses now under way by the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension bureau, the Western Pine Association and the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association.
Employer members of the Board this year are: A. C. Dixon, Booth-I{elly Lumber Co., Eugene; M. C. Woodard, Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore.; W. B. McMillan, Peninsula Lumber Co., Portland; R. H. Burnside, Willapa Lumber Co., Raymond, Wash.; J. C.Shaw, Eureka Cedar Lumber & Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Wash. i I. C. Buchanan, North End Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Lewis Fredericks, Duwamish Lumber Co., Seattle; A. Morrison, Morrison Mill Co., Bellingham, Wash.; J. P. McGoldrick, McGoldrick Lumber Co., Spokane, Wash.; Huntington Taylor, Rutledge Timber Co., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Joseph Stoddard, Stoddard Lumber Co., Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., Bend, Ore.
Ceneral Olficet Eugene, Oregon
Cetreral Sales Office: Portlanil, Oregon
Los Amgelu Officez 730 Central BIiIg. Son Frcncisco Officez 4O2-4 Mamin Btilg.