1 minute read
First Publicity on New Grade Certificate
To C. W. Pinkerton and Guy Tyler, two enthusiastic relatives of Mr. Pep, goes the medal for the first newspaper .advertising on the newly adopted "Grade Certificate".
Mr. Pinkerto'n, as everyone knows, is President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, owner and manager of the Whittier Lumber Company and is an enthusiastic booster for Grade Marking, Trade Marking and Grade Certifying. In fact, he is the originator of the Grade Certificate Plan as now used by a large number of the members of the Association.
Guy Tyler is manager for the Barr Lumber Company, at Whittier, and is also keen for any new merchandising plans, and particulady the Grade Certificate.
The advertisement reproduced on the opposite page is the first gun to be fired by any California retailers on the new plan. This page advertisement appeared in a recent issue of a Whittier daily, and needless to say, caused considerable comment.
The use of the Grade Certificate is limited to members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. Members of the Association desiring to adopt the plan are granted a ffanchise by the San Francisco offices, furnished with a sglgly of the material, newspaper advertising matter, etc.
The operation is simple. Deilers using thl Certificates will furnish one with any lumber bill, on request, with the grades of the various items plainly specified and with the Certificate properly endorsed by an officer of the company.
According to Mr. Pinkerton the benefits of the plan are