2 minute read
:Reap These Bigger PROFITS
On and after April | 5th, 1926, all NB Quality Hardwood Flooring will be sold
Cash With Order
Pfices Subject to Change Without Notice
This is the first time in the Hardwood Flooring Industry that small purchases of fooring are being sold at car load prices.
at the
May meeting Angeles -Hoo Club. Each month this club holds a "surprise meeting", meeting", generally with one of the members as the speaker, talking on his own business, and on this date Wiak proved himself an orator of no little ability in his interesting address on the treatment of poles, etc., uses of creosote, and the invasion, in California, of an army of ants that is causing some concern.
Few California lumbermen attain the distinction of national publicity, especially with accompanying photographs, but one of the younger and peppy members of the fraternity, J. H. Shepard of the Friend & Terry Lumber Company, Sacramento, is prominent in the small list.
Joe's handsome, smiling face was prominently displayed in a page advertisement in the May 15th issue of the Saturday Evening Post, with a testimonial letter on the merits of the advertised material, by himself.
Patten Davies Buy Monrovia Yard
The Bortells Lumber Company, Monrovia, has been bought by Patten & Davies of Los Angeles.
The Shevlin-Hixon Lumber Company of Bend, Oregon, doesn't intend to keep a beam in its own eye while looking for a mote in its neighbor's eye in regard to the use of lumber. Its house organ, the "Shevlin Equalizer," carries a page announcement, addressed to the housewives of its payroll, informing them of household goods that come packed in wood containers. The company itself purchapes no goods for its stores of which the outside shipping case is not of wood, and uses the announcement to guide its employees in making their purchases at non-company stores.
Mr. T. B. Hatten, head of the wholesale sash and door concern in Los Angeles bearing his name, has just returned from a wonderfully interesting world cruise.
Accompanied by Mrs. Hatten and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown of Los Angeles, the party left Los Angeles in February, sailing from New York on one of the larg_est aro-und the world boats, returning via New York on May l?th.
Portland Man On National Committee
Mr. C. L. Lindner of the Henry D. Davis Lumber Company, Portland, has been placed on the Executive Com'*itii" of the National Anierican Wholesale Lumber Association by President F. S. Underhill.
Dallas, Ore., May ll.-Buster Keaton, movie star, has made a contract with the Dallas Machine & Locomotivc Works to remodel three old locomotives to resemble the types of engines used in civil war times. These engines will be used in the filming of the picture which will be made by Keaton in this district.
This plaht manufactures ihe well known Gerlinger Lumber Carrier.
Ganahl Buys Yard
Lumber Company has bought the BettinFernando Road. in Burbank.