4 minute read
Probably never are all mixed in one car but the combination required is constantly changing. It is a valuable convenience to the dealer to be able to secure any assortment needed to balance his stock. The trade should use Fir---first, because it satisfies and second, because of the dealer's advantage in replenishing his stock.
(Continued from Page 10) lumber and at the same time show real ionservation of our forest resources.
A very striking example of the increased usefulness of this laminated lumber at reduced cost was brought to my attention on a recent trip to California. We were discussing with the manager of one of the Planing Mills, now specializing in cupboard doors, the merits of 5-ply laminated lumber for use as flush cupboard doors as against the use of the ordinary type of thin panels for cupboard doors. This man readily admitted thet flush cupboard doors were more desirable, particularly in modern homes and buildings where the built-in features are used so extensively, but on account of the apparent high price of 5-ply laminated lumber, he raised the question of cost.
We contended that if the cost of a thin panel, together with stiles and rails, and the labor cost of putting them together were taken into consideration the result would not be unfavorable to the use of 5-ply laminated lumber. This man then produced his cost sheet showing actual cost of making given sizes of the panel type of cupboard doors and he compared them with the same sizes of 5-ply laminated lumber that had been sanded two sides to fi-inch net in thickness. He found that the flush cupboard doors made of 5-ply material would be more than 2O/o; cheaper than the old type.
The usefulness and desirability of Laminated Lumber is becoming more apparent every day, and on each of our Eastern trips we find more of the Industries becoming interested in this Western built-up lumber. Many manufacturing plants such as Piano Manufacturers, Furniture Factories, Cabinet Makers, Automobile Body Builders and many others are now using Laminated Lumber in large quantities.
By far the greatest field is just now becoming interested, and this is the retail lumber yards. There is not one re- tailer that does not know that one of his greatest problems is how to avoid loss on account of breakage and splitting of his high grade finishing lumber, and when he realizes that he can stock high grade laminated lumber in widths of. 12 in. to 48 in, and )( in. and thicker without danger of splitting or warping, the advantages are at once apparent. At the present time we are giving the wider widths most of our attention, but we believ0 that within the next few years we will see most of our retail yards handling not only the wider widths but the narrow stock also, such as Casing, Base, Jambs and many similar items.
Another great advantage is the increased strength of laminated lumber when compared with sawn boards. Recently one of the Eastern Machinery Plants was in need of a machine base which would give the maximum of strength and the minimum of weight. Their requirements were rnet by producing this base by laminating nine ply together giving a net thickness of Il in. after sanding and giving them strength that it was next to impossible to get any other way and this only added ll in. to the height of their machine, and as these bases were 26 in. wide by 42 in. long it was next to impossible to secure them in sawn lumber. The introduction of waterproof glue a few years ago was of great assistance in the manufacture of this type of lumber, as we can now glue up lumber and know that it will withstand exposure to heat and water much better than ordinary clear lumber without warping.
Southern California Lumbermen Enjoy Wonders of Old Mexico
Thirty-three of the Southern California lumber boys, from San Diego and Los Angeles, enjoyed a pleasant two-day motor trip into old Mexico on May 15 and 16, visiting Tia Juana, Rosarito and Ensenada.
The trip was made on motor busses, leaving fro_m San Diego at 9:30 a.m., the 15th, arriving at Ensenada that evenins. where the oartv was sreeted by government offi- evening, party greeted government cials and siven the freedom of the city. and given fleedom
A banquet was held at the Commercial Hotel and the party then proceeded to the City HaU to participate in a State Batt Seing given in honor of Senorita Alicia Elias
Proceeded Llty -uaq parlrcrpaf,e rn Calles, darghter of President Calles.-
'Plans foi a Concatenation were abandoned, in favor of this i[teresting affair.
After an inspection of the harbor of Enseqada aqd other iateresting sights in the quaint Mexican- town, th-e \/s left {or Sin Diego, Sunday rnorning, arriving safely that evenrng.
LOU FIF'ER IS DEAD e cedord or r rtlcLl
L" R. Fifer, well known lumberman of Seattle, Wash., died suddenly at his home May 9. Mr. Fifcr had a hott of personal friends all over the United States, and his passing will be much regtetted. He was Vicegerent Snark for thc Seattle district, ind his IIoo Hoo number was 7O48. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Scottish Rite Masons, ahd aS mark of respect to the deceased lumberman every lumber office in Seattle was closed during the servrces.
.qrccd lurnbc qulcl?
Sth ead Brennu St., lhn Frrnclrco
WHOI.ESALERII tt with conplctc rtoclr oa hmd in rll rtrdc+ both ordiartT rnd unururl rizcr:
REDWfi}D (wor|rcd)
The Colifornia Luruber Mercha*t 'will be four Snars olil on Jul! First. Watch' for the Anniztersary Number..
Mr. Stahley Bayliss, representing Henry Peabody & Company of -New York and London, has been a Southern California visitor for the past few days.
Mr. Bayliss made a tour of the'Los Angeles and Long Beach operations of Cadwallader Gibson & Company, represented in Europe by his c€mpany.
Henry Peabody & Compahy maintain offices also at San Ftancisco.
Total lumber shipped by water frcm Oregon, Washington and British Columbia for the first three tnonths of.19% was 1,314,252,n7 feet, as compared with 1,041,727,434 feet for the same period ol'1925, a total gain of 272,524,773 f.eet, or 26 per cent.
Portland building permits for the five year period 1921 to 1925 were 73,623 with a valuation of $132,898,O71, while Seattle for the same period had 44,85 permits valued at $113,528,575.
Building permit values for these two cities in 1925 wcre as follows: Portland, $38,476,335 ; Seattle, S30,626,995.
\lfc Manufecturc