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Arizonans in Successful Convention
With well over a hundred registrants, the largest number in years attending one of their meetings, the Arizona Lumbermen's Club held their annual Convention at Nogales, Friday and Saturday, May 14th and 15th. It was declared by many the most interesting and successful meeting ever held by this progressive body.
Mr. Emil Marks, of Douglas, an old member of the Club and active for years in its upbuilding, was elected Presideht to serve the ensuing year. Mr. Marks has been in the retail lumber game for years, in Arizona, and is rated as one of the state's best citizens.
William Corpstein, of Corpstein Brothers, Phoenix, was named Vice President, a'nd John Woods of Bisbee, was reelected Secretary, this making his third consecutive term in this office.
Mr. Gus Michaels, Nogales; Joe Tardy, Douglas ; Hi Corbett, Tucson; Joe Halstead, Phoenix, and Irving Jen- nings of Douglas were named directors.
Resolution Of Sympathy
One of the first moves to be made by the body after convening at the call of Mr. Hi Corbett, acting as- Chairm_an, was !o -pass the following resolution of sympathy for It{r. E._L. O,'M1lley, over the sad loss of his daugfiter,-Ber- nice. Mr. O'Malley was called home while enroute to the con_vention, ahd was accompanied by Vice President J. J. Halloran.
"Be it resolved, by the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, assembled at Nogales, Arizona, in this its ninth annual convention:
"That we are shocked and deeply grieved by the sudden death on May 13th, of Bernice O'Malley, daughter of our good Vice-President, Edwin L. O'Malley, and mourn with him and his family, in this hour of their great bereavement and sorrow. While we feel that any words of ours which should attempt to beguile them from-this grief are weak and futile, we pray that our Heavenly Father, may, in His good time, assuage the anguish of their bereavement, and liave only cherished memories of the loved ahd lost.
"Resolved further, that on the reading of this Resolution, we stand for a moment with bowed heads in silent prayer for the consolation and comfort of the bereaved family.
Judge Frank Duffy, Nogales, officially welcomed the delegates to the city, expressing his delight at the selectioh of Nogales for the second time as the convention city and offering the hospitality of all of the citizens.
Herman L. Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company, Los Lngeles, made the principal address at the Fridiy sission. lf e. gave a message of better and more adequate -merchandising to the lumbermen, declaring that "lumbermen are fast forgetting the principles of meichandising and assuming the position of messenger boys in their dealings with
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