1 minute read
As theTree h *. So ^[s ltsProduct
Steel is made from iron ore. A board is ber quality begins in the timber. It is here made from a tree. Steel issynthetic" A that Pickeringenterpriseshaveffxedtheir board is,part of a 6ee. Steel ig nan made. invariable et.ndard" It is-to acquire the Nature giows th. boad" bestoleachepeci€swhichNanrreproduces.
A eeel manulacturer contlols hie ingredi- With the cbaracter of our raw material so eotsintbelaboratoryandatthefurnace. FIe ddne4 the nanulacturing organi"ation, mayaddorwithholddnponentparts. A human and mechanid is-trained -and lumbermanufacturerh"snotthiJcontrol. equipped to create a finished product fle must acept what the tree gives him. which shall give the ultimate coneumr The neuest apbroach to the control oI lup. ALL the vdue provided by Nature.
Fitmb touniltt ot tlpsc ttushttodlry btacttuns, uc invitclout inquirl tot otl it -t it C.alifotnb's soft'tcrtutd Whitt onil Swot Pir,r- fot stl&&;rrlocetbb ot burreqlatu sding lihot cbsork 0cint betlr,tly:. non-sfllttilgoutsde fi1islr lot artrttcc, a,ir.ilrr,uu anil ilam ttim, cr'rnllttr,oz/k' ctc';
^o"UitgtSr"tai/d thlo pzl;tQ'ct fnishing touch; not o.:rzrlr,ohirl4 soft!las' tq tot!/r.-ttlort tlht noils cnsitr3r and STAY PUT' Mov an qn,/,t/. toibl?
(Continued from page lg) the sp-lendid entertainments .we are ehjoying at this meet- ing will further cement this good feeling an? appreci"tio-r,, which we hope may continueirnabated tfrrough ifr. y;;;" a; com€.
"Resol-ved, that we hereby express our sincere appreeia- tion of the courtesies extended io the Delegates ;'d ;iri- tors at this Convention, by the United Statei and Mexican Official.s, which have mj_de it possible to enjoy uninter_ rup_t_e_d hospitality in two Repubiics.
"'We also thank the Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Jobbers, of this and other States, who by their presenee and co-ope-ration have added greatly to thC succesi and en- joyment of this meeting.
"To the Lumber Deilers of Nogales, Arizona, who by their financial .help and whole-hJarted hospitaiity ha; made this meeting one long to be remembered we extend our warmest thanks and appreciation.
Dated at Nogales, Arizona, this lsth day of May, 1926.
- ."89_ it resolved, whereas,. Mexico, our progressive and {riendly neighbor to the south, in her wondioui strides for_ ward is one of the largest-consumers o{ building materials originating in the United States,
- "'We, The Arizona Retail Lumbermen,s Association, do believe !ha-! e-very effort should be made to promote the'use of Mexico's beautiful hardwoods "s an aci of reciprocity and to further aid in the development of the indust'ries o'f our sister republic. 'f' ' . .;