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Fc 18 Yean
A. R. McCullough Passes On
Hundreds of friends of A. R. McCullough, veteran lumberman of California and head of the McCullougtr Lumber Company, were shocked to hear of his death, at-San Francisco, on May 13th.
Deceased was one of the best known of California lumbcr characters, having come to the state when a boy and entering the business about twenty-five years ago. The cornpany bearing his name was the suicessor oi tt e McCulI ou.g\.Fa_g-an T,u m ber Com pany.
A. R.- McCullough was i min of very high character, a successful business mah, and his passing w-ill be a loss to the lumber business.
He is survived by a widow and two sons. A. R, McCulIough, Jr., and Jack McCullough.
Funeral services were held-from the family home, San Francisco, on Monday, the 27th.
NatL Bank Bldg. San Fraacirco
Henry Bldg. Portland
Mr. B. W. Bookstaver, Los Angeles manager for the Mc_ Cullough Lumber Company, anda partne, ?" the has announced that the reient death of Mr. A. R. lough, head of the company, would not change the polici-s or-the pplra_tlon_s of the company.
Mr. A. R. McCullough, JT.,w_itt-Ue placed in charge of the 9an Francisco offices, with-Mr. Bobkstaver i.,
Los Angeles and Mr. Roger Jayne at Seattle.
The California Lumber Merchant will be four years old on-Iuly'Fiist. lVatch for the Anniaersary Number.
Trees havc rrota over this buricdRed. wood for 350 ycrrr. But thc cut Into thc old Redwood rhcr clear, sound wood fit to bc sawa into highest gradc lumoer.
Annual rings of trecs groriag .:vcr this Rcdwood show it has lain on moist ground over two centuries. It is sound; free fron decay or cven worm holcs.
Over this 6(X) year old Rcd. wood, trees cloce to 200 y,cars old havc grown. Yct th€ cut shows the buricd Redwood sound and frcc from decay.
Whg Redaood Satrslies
Particular Customers
phc.life. history -of thrcc Redwood treca that lic in thc Californir forcrtr F. tnc. Dest -testlmony- to Rcdwmd's Dcrmancnce and rcsl€tanca to rot. lnog8b,resting i4-!0oist ground and cbvcred with moss, mold aad lorcrt olDns lor lrom 250 to about 400 years, not one of thcm is dccayed. wonns la.ve not borcd into tbem. Cut into at random, thcir wood fibrc a.as Dnght.and sound as that in a live Redwood iust felled. lms. tot-reststance eams Redwood pre{erence ovei othcr commercial f,'ooo8. ald clplaitrs its increasing us- by builderc, architecta and con- structron engincers. Wite fu Inforwtion on TpL Co, l*mber a*il millurh. aaffgR.tdcl^uderqf ^Ke@\nr@@d.SANFRANCISCO
Robcrt Doller Bldg. Standard Oil Btdr_ 3ll Crlifornia St. lfth and Hopc SIJ
Thc Largest_Ifaufactwels and Distribttos of Califunh Reiluooa Members of Colifonh Rcduood Associtit n