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Builders commend these extra values in DOUGIAS FIR with the Long-Bell
The Oldest }Iomes in AmericaAre Built of Wood
The dependability and ccqnomy of wood ate ptoved wherever you go. Thc oldest American homcs atc bullt of wood. They stand a monu, ments to the durability of the home.building material that har aidcd in haking a natlon of horireowners. Ur woodl Build now thc home you havc planned, lJse fot its. construdion thc mhterial that through centuria hm so ably proveditself...uoodl
nnHE builder of homes today is lL the final judge of building materials,
He seeks quality, because material ofhigh standard pledges the greatest service. He desires knou.'n products, because in them he may have the greatest faith. He demands dutability, economy and day-to-day satisfaction.
He uses l-ong8ell trade-matked Douglas Fir for those reasons.
YahrcBfihInto TlleseProiluc*
Years of acquaintance yith the home. builder have given the l-ong.Bell prganization a realization of these demands and to meeting such standards of lumber production the Long.Bell organization has devoted itself. In the manufacture of Southern Pine lumber and timbers . . in the productlon of oak flooring in the making of other lumber products... thle organization has maintained stan& ards that reeularlv aszure maximum lum, ber whu to ihe b.iyer.
Users Commend This Lumbq
No wonder, then, that among the friends of LongBell trade.marked l)ouglas Fir are us€rs who have seen its added values at frst hand.
They would say:
Douglas Fir is suitable for a gteater variety of uses than any other wood unzurpassed in strength and elastic limit . , , practically impervious to water . , is very durable takes paint, stains and varnishes perfectly and *tains them,
Long.Bell Douglas Fir lumber and tlmbets are straight and free from crooks or kinks.
Straight dimension makes straight walls and level floors. Long-Bell Douglas Fir dimension stays straight.
Long-Bell kiln drying is scientifically controlled, which assures properly cured lumber.
Use LongSell trade-marked Douglas Fir I (?nfJ
Californ,i4 WhiuPine
California White Piqe has many impot tant uses in construction, It is easilv worked and has pleasing grain efiecti. LonfBell Califomia \0Uhite Pine lumber, and long-Bell California White Pine sash and doors, are used in the 6nest corurtruction-appealing to.many buyers because of durability, utility and econ. omy. Ask for Long.Bell trade,marked Califomia White Pine.
ar') To ShiPPers
Use boxes and containers of qrood, They pledge the most satisfactory, dependable sewice. They reach destinations safely! (?{$.D
Long.Bell OokFloofiig
"Economical to lay and finish"-that is the comment of many a builder on his experience with l-ongBell trade-mdrked oak flooring. Excellence of manufacture gives this important value to LongiBell oak flooring, which also is approved widely for its durability and beauty. Ask your retail lumber dealer.
R.A,IongBldg. tant ma st@ t8?l Kmns Clty,Mo.