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Bakersfield Concatenation a Huge Success
The San Joaquin Valley Hoo Hoo members can well be proud of the success of the Concatenation held at the Elks Club, Bakersfield, on the night of May 22nd,.
Vicegerent Snark L. L. Walker of Fresno, and about forty loyal members of his gang, together with a large number of visitors from other parts of the state, made up the party.
It was really a state affair, there being Cats there from San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Bakersfield, Fresno, Tulare and other points.
Arrangements were handled by Mr. Elmore W. King, of Bakersfield, assisted by Vicegerent Walker and E. H. Verbel, of Fresno.
A banquet was held at the Elks Club at 6 p. m., with Iferman L. Rosenberg, of the Hipolito Company, Los An- linson of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, and Joe Cuneo of White Brothers, San Francisco. Joe sang and Tommy did his stuff at the piano.
Short talks were made by Mr. King, Vicegerent Walker, George Burnett of Tulare, E. H. Verble, W. B. Wickersham of Los Angeles, Phil B. Hart, editor of The California Lumber Merchant, Sam T. Hayward, Los Angeles, Arthur Bernhauer of Fresno, W. S. Scrim of Los Angeles, E. D. Tennant, Past Snark of the lJniverse, and the hosts of the evening, Chas. Curran, Arthur Curran, Sam Scofield and Percy Burns, all of Bakersfield.
Twelve Kittens were put through the onion beds by the Fresno team, and with Ernest Verble acting as Junior Hoo Hoo with his original stunts.
The Kittens were:
A. G. Woodhouse, Maisler Bros.. . ....Fresno
F. C. Porter, IJnion Lumber Co.... .....Bakersfield
Chris Sommers, Jr., Haistead Lumber Co.........Fresno
O. F. Marner, IJnion T,umber Co. .. ....Taft
H. Ruby, Union Lumber Co.... ..Bakersfield
F. E. Davis, tfnion Lumber Co.... .....Taft
J. A; Mack, IJnion Lumber Co.... .....Bakersfield
F. T. Turoski, Uhion Lumber Co.. . Bakersfield
R. E,. Curran, Bakersfield Sandstone & Brick Co.. ..... Bakersfield
W. H. Partridge, Halstead Lumber Co.... ..Fresno
R. H. Meyers, Peoples Lumber Co. .. .Ventura
A. H. Curran .Bakersfield
J.T.Thompson. ....Bakersfield
. lh.. Nine performed in a fine manner, concluding the initiation work in a dignified pressing the candidates.
A. L. HOOVER - 7OG Standard Oil Btdg. PHONES VAadlkc !St2 TUcLrr ltt8 manner and properly im-
L. L. Walker ... ....Vicegerent Snark
W. P. Johnson ... Senior
E. H. Verble ... Iunior
A. J. Lucas iojum
Paul Nordstrom . ...Jabberwock
C. W.Singham .....Arcanoper l)ean Cook Gurdon
Sam Scofield ... :..... ...Custocation
M. D. Bishop Scrivenoter