1 minute read
Unique Concatenation in San Bernardino Mountains
. Between {ifty _and sixty of the Orahge Belt Hoo Hoo boys attended the Concatenation held-in the San Ber_ nardino mountains, at the camp owned by the Suverkrup Lumber Company, San Bernardino.
ft was a very-ehjoyable affair and quite unique.
r ne pafty had_ been announced in a very mysterious manner, promising the members something diffeient. and keeo_ tng the _location of the affair in the dark. Cari were mlt at the Hammond Lumber Company plant, i" S;- il;_ nardino, Saturday_ morning, ana pito[ea to tire rendezvous, near Arrowhead Lake.
_ Six Kittens urere given the work, in a masterful manner by Snark Shrimp arid his team.
They were: p. H.-G1Se, Suverkfup Lumber Co., San Bernardino. l(9y 4. Envoldseh, Secretary, San Bernardino Lumber_ men's Association.
Glenn D. McCormick, Hammond Lumber Co., San Ber_ nardino.
W.m. D. O'Bryant, Suverkrup Lumber Co, San Ber_ narotno.
Fred Chapin, Fred Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino. . Frank E.-Winship, J. b. Wi;;hit il;ilc".;'A;il; ton-
The following contribut-ed account, anonymous, gives " .y:y goqd idea of just ho-w g_ood ihe paity was. - the yowl of the Great Blaik prince, wild_ cars, boDcats and tomcats slunk into San Bernardino to partisipat_e in_the Mountain Concatenati-on of the S;b; nardino Hoo-Hoo Club Mav 15th.