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lll.aera Sur., Rn.
A True White pine Water Cured-Air Dried
Nothing could be better for pattcrn itock and planing mill lumber for all purposeq than our wide, thicL., soft textured lumber. It comes from California Sugar Pine trees, which are famous for their exceptional size and quality.
Bor Shool ead Cut-up lMatcridr
Cepecity 300,000 Fcct Drily
Madera, Calif.
. "By three o'clock, a dozen well-filled machines started their.journey. As none but the Committee knew the finJ Iocatron, we were off in a !"lglr lrying to keep in sight the pilot .ahd his high-powered ,.fliv". - Flnally, ,,iitf, ,"?i"toi. loqPlng and sunburned necks, we threw off the pourer at Cedar Glen at Arrowh'Ca-d I ake. After a few "rir.it..; *Ji earned_rest, we travelled to Fleming Camp to, a *orraerfiri steak dinner and then_o1 to_ the laige enilosed p""iii"" ii the G.len, donated by John Suverkrulp Lumber io. ioi tfri, occasion.
"J. Wesley Shrimp, whose untiring work had much to do rvrtn the great success of the outing, had sent his committee anea.d to complete 1ll details, and they had decorated the pavrlron with the Hoo Hoo colors and the kittens were conducted, through the Onion Bed in soft, subdued lichtine to..the solemn dirge produc.ed by the nimble fingirs o"f Milton standish. Alvin wtrite led his *.tt org"ni"?-"n-J drilled team through their paces and the tails "fih;-ri* kil: tens were successfully straightened. After passing to the candidates the ,.all,, ihat wis theirs, we trailed ""-. t*" miles down the canon to an isorat.a poiti*tt"i.-l-rri.i. bonfire was lit. An.rmpromptu program *;;;;;"';; the.old ca-ts-ga-ve advice io thi novitiates and thJ ".* "ia nrgnry pohshed cats passed it right baclc.
"ft was th-e tiny hours of the"day when the entire band, cor.n-s and all, fell into exceedingly-comfortable Ueas. --- -'
."Thg following.-morning *ai given you to do as you pleased. some hrked; some took the thirteen milc iide around the Lake, and, possibly, some w€nt fishin;,-;il[.;;h
(Continued on Page 26)