2 minute read
Economy in small details has built American prospe.ity. A m e r i c a n wages are the highest in the world, yet American goods compete successfully in foreign marketg.
The pioneer in a new business field is rewarded by the profits from savings that otrhers have failed to discover.
Lumber dealers are overlooking the opportunity presented by short lengths of bevel siding. Grade for grade there is a spread in price in favor of short lengths. Nearly every job requires a certain percentage of shori lengths. This wiil vary according to the plan. Between window and door openings, in gables and dormeig and on odd-length sides, short lengths are .required that are generally cut out of long stock on the job.
Figure the short siding cuts and frll this item from a stock of short siding bought at the lower price. You can also show the contractor a saving in the labor of cutting. Many a building bill has been land.d by a smaller margin than that. Ordcr rome ahort bevel siding in your next mixed car from'Wectwood. Tty it.
Manufach.rred and sold by
"Producers ol White Pine for Ooer Halt a Centurg"
(Continued from Page 24) no corroborative testimony was furnished of the ability so frequently mentioned the ivening before."
From The Burner
Frank Winship insisted, if he could find only a mashie, he would play golf : That was, however, jusi before he found the greens ( ?) when he decided a grois of balls was necessary and a Fordson as caddie.

Andy Donovan drove down in his roadster, but, if he was as long coming from Los Angeles to San Bernardino as he was from the starting point there to Cedar Glen, he must have left home the previous week. More power to you, Andy ! Yes-much more!
. "Dad" N-ewton, the young old-man, showed his pep by being the first on the ground and the last to retiri.' Hl made a very_wonderfuL talk to the boys at the campfire. As also did Brother Coombs.
Milton Standish hereby receives his vote of thanks for his capability in showing that every detail of the entertainment was_ perfect. To Ed. and Herb. Suverkrup goes the same thanks, and forJ. Wesley Shrimp, just wheie fre really fitted in was never discovered as he wji on the iob in everv way every minute and with his characteristic snap behind every move, the whole Concatenation was a .,bairg,, that should bring a big turnout to their next move.
You who missed this real treat of the San Bernardino Hoo-Hoo Club are entirely out of luck and when they again entertain,. get in !
Los Angeles Product Welcomed in Other Countries
The people living on the other side of the Pacific Ocean want American products and the manufacturers of Los Angeles are the logical ones to supply their wants, in the opinion of J. F. Kiefaber, president of the Buttress Manufacturing Company, who has made a special study of conditions ar,nong the English-speaking peoples living on islands in the Pacific.
"Wherever English is spoken," said Mr. Kiefaber yes- terday, "the people look to the United States for leadership. This is especially true with respect to building materials. Los Angeles manufacturers are in a better position to take advantage of this situation than most manufacturers because it is recognized all over the world that the building industry is an important one in Los Angeles. Home-building receives more attention in this city than anywhere else in the rvorld, and it is therefore natural that Los Angeles products that go into home-building are superlor.
"We have found that our products are eagerly welcomed in the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands and also among the Austrians and New Zealanders. Our representative in New Zealand has given us a standing order for 10O,000 feet of wallboard a month and we also receive large orders for plaster lath.
"Although our export business is naturally a very small percentage of our total volume, it is very considerable in a year's time. The possibilities of exporting to the Orient and to the English-speaking communities of the Pacific are important, for practically every manufacturer in Los Angeles.