2 minute read
Changes In The Weaver Roof Company
Wm. Henry
Widespread interest has attended the announcement that Mr. Wm. Henry has purchased an interest in the Weaver Roof Company and joined forces with Sylvester L. Weav. er, and that the well known name of this progressive conc_ern will be changed to that of the Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co.
turning out only four hundred squares per day. The same number of men can now turn out twenty-two thousand sgua_._ej per day with the modern machines now used by the- Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co.
Mr. Henry has been associated with the Pioneer Paper Company for the past twenty years and has been vicepresident and general manager of that firm during the latter ten years of this period. He has had very extensive experience in the manufacture of roofing and has btudied the production methods of practically every large plant in the East. He is generally conceded to be one of the foremost authorities in the industry, having been the first to dcvelop the reinforced roof, which has supplanted practically all other types of roofing on the Coast-.
In the early days of roofing manufacture on the Pacific Coast, the machines in use at that time were capable of t-fHE long double reenforcement of the I legs, extra laqge wheel forks and spin' dles forged atl in one piece, gusseted deck frames, and heavy gtiPP.r shoes-all make for a sturdy strength that maintains the Villamette Carrier at highest efficiency day after day. Yet with all its practical strength, there is a resrarkable tlexibility that allows for uneven decks and rough country roads with ro strain on the Po*er Plant.
The Weaver Roof Co. has long been known for its fine, up-to-date plant, but since the formation of the WeaverHenry Mfg. Co., production facilities will be trebled. These new improvements will enable them to take care of a very large volume of business.
In addition to the plant improvements, the company intend to erect a fine administration building for tlre plant on Slauson Avenue, in the near future.
Weave-r policies, amplified_ by lhe manufacturing and merchandising experience of Mr. Henry, assures thJtrade of splendid roofing products, prompt and accurate service.
Sylvester L. Weaver will be President and Wm. Ifenrv will be Vice-President and General Manager of the WeaveiHenry Mfg. Co.
Send for the nen, tolder "For handling lumber in mill or yard"gives lull specifications. Address Carriet Division

Movies to Record Last Big Log Drive For Minnesota Archives
Duluth, Minh", May Z4.-What may be the last big log drive in Minnesota will be recorded bv the "movies" foi historical reference and use by the stale schools, forestry department and Minnesota Historical society
Five miles from north of Floodwood, near here a lumber company has completed the cutting of 6,000,000 feet of Norway and white pine, which will be floated down the Whiteface River to Cloquet in what is claimed to be the last great log drive in the state.
Although the drive may not compare with other log drives in Minnesota and may seem insignificant with those that- the Mississippi river has seen, it is said to be the larg- est in recent years.