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tuhfta (D&r^
MHENEVER sound deadening is re!V quired, you'll find contractors and builders unanimous in their choice of hairfelt (Califelt). This guaranteed insulation and deadener has a co-efrcient of 50 greater than any other commercial aound deadening material. More and more builders are finding insulation and deadening indispensable to sound construction. Whether bungalow, duplex, apartrnent ev fl61-Qslifelt eerves two ways-as sound deadener and as insu' lation.
Be prepared for this new busine$. More profits are in store for Llmber Merchants who handle Califelt.
Residerce of Henry Simons, 2130 Lahe Isles Blad,, Minnealolis' Mirn. Architect, D.
WHAT BRAND OF OAK FLOORING would you cxpGct in ruch a hourc?
Who better than the president of three building material companies knows what oak flocing is best ior his own house ?
Henry Simons is president of the Henry Simons Lumber Company, the Sirirons Millworli Co.. and the Simons Lumber Co' When he acceoted th€ Dlans of D. C. Bennett, architect for his $85,000 house, he saw to it tiat "Perfection" Brand Oak Flmring was specified.
IIe knew how perfectly "Perfection" is milled; how honestly graded and carefully inspected.
In the 14 rooms, 4,500 leet of l3/l6x2rA in. face clear oak was used. Never was there a more beautiful Iloor. The texture and pattern made possible a finish that is seldom found on any other flmring. Genera' iions from now this same floor will still retain its original beauty. Yet this cost him no more than a number of other brands.
There's a size and grade of "Perfection" Brand Oak Flmring for every type of structure, nw or old. For {ull information write today:-