4 minute read
You Buy Service not lumber Merely
Back of good hardwood
lumber there must be good policies, the exercise of careful selection, and an experienced, properly equipped personnel.
Strable Hardwood Company includes these in every order. Full co-operation is our established rule.
We try to serrre well by serving carefully.
Hoo Hoo Annual to Open Officially ' , Sept. 9th, Then Adjourn to Sept. 28,29 and 30
The Thirty-fifth Hoo-Hoo Annual, to be held in Kansas City, Mo., will be officially opened at nine minutes after nine o'clock on the morning of Sept. 9th, in accord with the traditions of the Order, and adjourned to Sept. 8, P and 30.
- Postponement of the actual sessions was consented to by the,Supreme Nine when developments in Kansas City made such a move advisable.
Ol" of the things prompting the postponement was the inability to have several important organizations that have been_invited to cooperate in the Annual, arrange their dates for September 8, 9 and 10, the traditional da-tes for HooHoo Annuals.
Another reason is that a number of Kansas City's most prominent lumbermen, who are actively identified wittr the arrangements for the Annual, will be out of the city for some time.in advance of September 9th, and on that'date.
. M. M. Biner, general chairman of arrangements for the Annual, advised the Supreme Nine that Kansas City would .make the Annual the greatest in Hoo-Hoo histoiy, from .the standpoint of both attendance and'interest, if tlie postponement were permitted.
'Consent was given by the Supreme Nine with the un- .derstanding.that the meeting be officially opened on Sep- tember 9th, in accord with trtditions and iawi of the Ordir.
United States Civil Service Examination
The United States Civil Service Commission announces the following open cbmpetitive examination:
Forest ecologist, $3800.
Associate forest ecologist, $3000.
Assistant forest ecologist, $2400.
_ _Receipt of applicationJ for these positions will close June 15. The examinations are to fill vacancies in the F6rest Service, Department of Agriculture, for duty in the field.
Dirtributorr of Oak Leaf Oak Flooring
Mapl,e Flooring
Triple Sheath Buitdus Paper
Watl Berd PanCs
The entrance salaries aie shown above. After the probational period required by the civil service act and rui'es advancement-ig pay without material change in duties may be made to higher rates within the pay range for the grade, up to a maximum of $5000 a year for forest ecologist, $3600 a y€ar for associate forest ecologist, and $3000'a year for assistant forest ecologist. Promotion from lower to higher grades may be madJin accordance with the civil seivice rules as vacancies occur.
The work of the Forest Expiriment Stations concerns itself primarily with research in the growing and protection of the forest crops in the region in which the stalion is located. This research includes, among'other activities, such subjects as seed, nursery and planting investigations, genetics, the relation of the climatic, soil and other natural and biotic factors to the reproduction, growth and development of trees, the silvicultural management of forests, and the relationship of forests to climate, streamflow and erosion.
Competitors will not be required to report for written examination at any place, but will be rated on their education, training, experience and fitness, and writings to be filed with the application.
Full information and application blanks.may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the board of U. S. civil service examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city.
New Yard At Lockford
Bay District
Thunday Evcnir Roof Crarden, San F
Evcning.hmc fO, fgEB !dcn, Whitcqnb Hotel Francisco
The Concatenation wilt be held at 6A0 P. M., follor Speciil Prize to tte member bringing in the tarlg€lt tion of the Hoo-Hoo y€ar, and an event that tbe "Ki to nis.
,, followed by dinner and eotertainrnent rtarting af ?:3O P. l|. argplt nrmber of "Kittcn..tt This will be tbc lart Concatenatbe "I(ittens" will not forg;eg end one rhe "Catstt will not want the dinner and entertainnr,ent ^All lumbermen invited. : from J. E" Itladn, 9(X) Matton Bldg., San Francirco.
You don't have to be a Hoo-Hoo menrber to attend Applicationr and reinstatement blanks can be had I Telephone Davenport 35OO.
Thie cntertainmcnt will be a "!VO!V"-DON'T MI
Santa Barbara Boys Hold Party
The Santa Barbara Lumbermen proved their hospitality on MaI 23rd when they held their Annual Jinks-at the Santa Cruz Islands. Promptly at five in the morning, the 'Sea 'Wolf," well crowded and under the direct guidance of J. "Spokane" Cronin, left the Santa Barbara whalf. A very wonderful barbecue was served at the Club House on the Islands. Most of the time was spent in fishing and hiking, the only contest of the day being for the prize offered for the party who appeared in the -most dilapidated clothes. Thiiwai *ott ,rery handily by J. E. Fritzinler of the Santa
Barbara Lumber Co. who carried a straw hat that was.a rvinner.
The Peoples_Lumher Co. of Ventura sent up four men and the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. was lepresented by E. S. Houghton.
There was just enough energy left in the crowd to sing "Hail ! Hail ! The Gang's All Here" as the boat warpeii into port at seven that night.
The boys in Santa Barbara know how to entertain and, as they promise another trip to these islands, a large crowd will be on hand at that time.

Vice President and General Manager
i[r. Connelly ir ro well hrown to tte lunbcr trade that he needs no introduction He is one of the outrtanding figures in the local hardrcod fooring field.
Fonnerly Manager -of the Hardwood Ftooring Departmt of the Woodbead Lrunber Comlnnn ll,tr. Con- ndly co'me into this organization equipped with a w€alth of prectical expcrience in a[ nattere pertaining to f,ooring.
It it wiA-g€nuine pleanre tbat we welcome hirn :u an oficial and eorecutive of thir and annrxnc.e f,ir nw connec{ion to the trade.
Effective immcdbtctn rve will engage in a generat wf,olelale and reteit burine$ on all grade of f,ooring.