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The Pioneer Hailwood Yaril [.os Angels

Hardwoods -Flooring - California Sugar and White Pine - Plywood - Veneers 2050 E" 38th St. Phone.dXridge 9211


A. C. MERRYMAN Adwrtlelry


W. T. BLACK Sen Francbco Corcn Norttcm Crltf. ud Peclfic Ncthreet

Subrcription Pricc, $2.00 pct Y.rt

Singlc Copicr, 25 ccatr cach.


How Lumber Looks

Douglas FirCargo.With the ririllr of Warhington and Oregon dropping one week from their opcrating ccheduler betrveen May 2O and June 15, fully 85 per cent of the frr prbduction will be efrected'. Thir greatly reduced production indicater a finber market.

The California market continues to run along on an €Yen keel with prornise of getting better in the next few wee&e. Prices are firm" Special autting itemr are very *rong. 1x8 and 2x4 No. 3 comrnon show strength. All iternr of fooring, both darh and vertical nrain, are vety firm.

Unrold *ocka on tte docks at San Pedro totaled 8r198,(X)O feet on May 29. 25 lumber vccreb are tied up' witt one vereel operating off-rhore.

Douglal Fir Rail. There have been no price chaoset in

Advcrtiriag Ratcr on Application the past two weeks. The rnillr have good order fiIer, and orders for mixed car3 are in good demand.

The lath and ehingle marhetc rhow no change. Redwood. Prices are firm with no change. The demand continuec ratirfactory for thie !Ga!(m of tte year. There ir r very good demand for come items in both cornmonr and uppert.

California White and Su$r Pine. The market ir firm with a god demand for uppert and rhop. The demand for dimension in both white pine and white fir continucr heavy. Acociation report! rhow that in the period January 1 to May 18, arcociation mills produced 8.9 per cent rnore, ehipmentr were 1O p€r cent greaterr and orderr received were 12.7 per cent greater than in the samc period }art year.

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