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Henry E. Peterson Appointed Sales Manager of Wood Conversion Co.
Leaving the position of vice-president in charge of sales of one of the larger building specialty manufacturing concerns in the East, and with a record of 17 years of successful connection with that firm to his credit, Henry E. Peterson has just been appointed sales manager of the Wood Conversion Company of Cloquet, Minn. He has moved to Cloquet and has taken complete charge of distribution of the company's products, Balsam-Wool, the flexible insulating blanket. and Nu-Wood, an all-wood-fibre rigid structural insulation.
Mr. Peterson entered the building materials manufacturing field as office boy in a large paint factory in Chicago. Through various positions, he advanced to managership of its credit department.
In I9I2 he entered the employ of the Beaver Products Cornpany. Following experience as a sales correspondent, he was assigned to market-survey work throughout the country and then, more intensively, in the South. Then he was called to the position of assistant to the vice-president in charge of sales, whom he succeeded several years ago.
Mr. Peterson was engaged for his present position by E. W. Davis, general manager of the Wood Conversion Company. His familiarity with building conditions in all parts of this country and Canada, with the export of American building specialties to foreign markets and with the sales development of new materials and of standard materials for new uses; his personal acquaintance with a great number of materials retailers and building contractors; his grasp of technical points involved in the manufacture and application of insulation and wallboards, and his record for organizing sales around service to dealers, are the reasons why he was selected. His belief in the merits of the Wood Conversion Company's products is the reason why he accepted the invitation to manage their sale.
Mr. Peterson fills a position that has been vacant for several months, during which the general manager has exercised direct control of the company's sales organization. He will carry out an elaborate program for the extension of uses of Balsam-Wool and Nu-Wood and their distribution among preferred lumber retailers throughout the country.
TH D Ir[ A B trI. o F a U A L I T Y
Today, more than ever, buyers seek merchandise of known quality-and wh ether it be radio*watchee-automobiles-or LUMBER the brand or trade mark serves as the buyer's eiuide.
The 4-C trade mark identifies lumber of the very highest quality. A nation-wide reputation hag been established for its dependability-its correct grade-its excellence of manufacture.
Dealers who are supplying their trade 4-C kiln dried Lumber know of its selling advantages-their best trade likes it.
Santa Fe Lumber Company

(A. J. "l:rrrt' RuseII)
Distributors in California and Afizona
Ceneral Officesz
Sen Frencirco, California St. Clair Building 16 Califomia Street
So. Califomia Office: Lor Augcler, Celifornii
E67 Pacifc Elcctric Building
Brucc L. Burlingamc, Ageat
" Sudden Seroice"