3 minute read

Arizona Retailers Hold Twelfth Annual at No$ales

lohn H. lVood Reelected Presiilent

Presiclent John H. Wood, Bisbee Lumber Co., Bisbee; vice president Joe W. Tardy, Douglas Lumber Co., Phoenix; and Robert V. Baker, Phoenix, were reelected to office for the coming year at the trvelfth annual convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona. held at Nogales, Arizona, on May 17,18 and 19. A. F. Rademacker, Alfalfa Seed and' Lumber Co., Yuma; W, A. Lamprey, Pima Lumber Co., Tucson; R. E. Webster, Douglas Lumber Co., Yuma; Claude A. Hayes, Prescott Lumber Co., Prescott, and E. V. Omalley, Omalley Lumber Co,, Phoenix, were elected to serve as directors. The next convention was awarded to Douglas, Arizona, the dates to be set later by the board of directors.

Friday Morning, May 17

The morning of the first day of the convention was taken up with the arrival of the members and guests and registrations at the club headquarters, tfe Montezunra Ho-tel. Many of the members took this opportunity to visit the exhibits in the hotel lobby

Friday Afternoon, May 17

Promptly at l:00 P.M. the famous 25th U. S. Infantry Band stationed at Nogales serenaded the cfub headquarters and paraded to Firemen's Hall where the business sessions were held.

At 1:00 P.M. the ladies who attended the convention were entertained with a luncheon at the Cave Cafe, Nogales, Old Mexico. This party was in charge of the L,adies' entertainment committee,

At 1:30 P. M. President Tohn H. Wood called the meeting to order. Honorable i H. farns, mayor of Nogale's, welcomed the delegates to Nogales, stating that it was always considered a pleasure for the cityto be host to the Arizona lumbermen who have held several conventions in Nogales.

_ R. F. Hammatt, San Francisco, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, was the first speaker on the program and talked on the "New Conception of Highway, Bridges." Mr. Hammatt touched on the subject of grade-m.arked lumber which subject was the keynote of the convention.

F.'G. Spillsbury, president of the Arizdna industrial Congress, addressed the convention on co-operation between the Arizona Congress and the Lumbermen's Club.

Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles, secretary-manager of the Los Angeles l-umber Dealers' Association, govs- an excelIent address on "Organization and Co-OpEration." Mr. Smith's address appeirs elsewhere in this iisue.

J. J. (Jack) Halloran, Halloran-Bennett Lumber Co., Phoenix, talked on "Short Lengths." His talk was full of humor but in his closing remarks he paid a tribute to the visiting lumbermen that reflected the sentiments of every Arizona lumberman.

A. C. Horner, San Francisco, western manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers'Association, spoke to the convention on "Trade and Grade-Marked Lumber." Before starting his address Mr. Horner presented president John H. Wood with a gavel made of pine wood taken from the White House. Mr. Horner explained the work that the National Association is doing and how the retailer can benefit from this work. He also talked on grade-marked lumber, American Lumber Standards and segregated grades.

Sylvester Weaver, Weaver-Henry Corporation, Los Angeles, who was on the program to address the convention on "The New Trade Association" was unable to attend the meeting but advised by telegram that his address was being mailed to their Arizona representative, Francis Pool, to be read before the convention. As Mr. 'Weaver's address did not arrive in time to be read before the meeting, secretary-manager R. V. Baker has arranged to send copies of the address to the club members in the next weeklv letter.

Following the adjournment of the business session, Albert Stacy, vicegerent snark of the Border District staged a Hoo Hoo concatenation. Mr. Stacy was assisted by the Phoenix (Gold Spot degree team and R. F. Hammatt, state Hoo Hoo counselor for California, in putting on the ritual. The following six kittens were initiated: F. W. Tutt, Louis Jennings, R. W. Dalton, W. F. Edens, Claude A. H4yes and Wm. T. Austin Jr.

At 7:3O P. M. a banquet was held at The Cave, Sonora, Old Mexico. Albert Stacy acted as honorarv toastmaster assisted by Joe W. Hardy.

Saturday Morning, May 18

At 10:30 A. M., Saturday morning, the members and guests were invited to view the moving picture-"The Transformation"-that was shown through the courtesy of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. The picture was also shown Saturday evening to the public. The lumbermen were very much impressed with the picture, and J. C. Light, Norman-Light Lumber Co., Miami, suggested that the Lumbermen's Club arrange to show the picture in every city in the state.

The remainder of Saturday morning session was taken up with a closed business session which included the read(Continued on Page 48.)


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