1 minute read
Att edge on competitors
that the Kimball E Prince Lumber Co. gained last year t'**r:loill31 ffiffis.#f;lery$il
;I- 19[ ooors ielrore doors beJorelast year. But the idea of Lam'inei doorJ are, io* they-are made, handlins widely advertised. waro-oroof rnrt *h,r rh.,, nan k. ;,","^t-.A ,, s#it?#ffi#f;[+T#il#,'Jll"{';fi:{:ttii':,':}[! ;q'::::'*"'*":o**:'edwi'chgrea'c [-,faw^#-,1ffr$.t$*I iifr:+,:]]:i{ifr"t{y'fxT".:i :"#tiT?"J:,t*::.'t;,oi*:'#:; E"tF#"ffi]ii"i$T*".*"""{
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$di:-fl1*6fr$igryi4li r,l/iil not shrint, suse//, or warp id$i{$;5$trffi
E-eM E H ix # #G€s i!:^tSf'j: dealers ali ot;er the country ' :::): ':,:,:'::.:-'::"- .":::',:*,'::::'::,:::;;.' -with amazing results! andfrom whom they can be bought locally' Described in adoertise- fhis front- ?!5e :to?-/?- pearei in thi Isinetand_lo.ur-. ffili"' : .[ffiffi6"fu.iire :::^',:'::,,_o nirian, nl pcq"u ""'""' "'"'""'-.,,d tl' t.ffiffiffi T1:!,:::!.t:f"r:!::'"'l nal aJter Laminex hell moki a banquet o 'ui'ii' ti x**ffiffiffiffi o#Y;,::i;:';,Y'rr:l:
Address. doors in theworld-and the nost proJitable to handle citv. .State.