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Operative Date for "Tree Mark" Lumber
The effective operating date for trade and grade marking lumber has been designated by the Trade Extension Committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association as on or before June 1, l9D, and all licensees have been so notified. Some of them have been marketing "Tree Mark" lumber since April 1.
Licensees who are preparing to ship "Tree Mark" lumber as per agreement, are requested to immediately file, for approval, with the National Association, sample specimens of imprints of all marks which it is planned to use on lumber; and at the same time file a listof items which will be so marked.
It is suggested that licensed manufacturers who experience difficulty working out a suitable arrangement or combination of Association grade-marks and the National's "Tree Mark" so as to serve for reproduction on stamps or dies, ask assistance from their Regional Association or from the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Licensees on the Pacific Coast will be furnished free service by a national staff man if they will communicate with A. C. Horner, Western Manager, N.L.M.A., Call Building, San Francisco.
is June 1
The systematic canvass of retail dealers in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and New Jersey, by staff men of the National Association, which began May 14, has already developed the fact that over B0 per cent of the dealers so far canvassed have expressed definite desire to stock "Tree Mark" lumber immediately when available. Within the next few rveeks a similar canvass will start in California. This work of staff men in the important lumber consuming centers of the East, the Middla West and the West Coast, in which work, by personal contact, they encourage retailers to stock trade and grade marked lumber, will cover 50 per cent of the total lumber distribution and will give great impetus to dealer demand for marked iumber.
The Trade Extension Committee desires that the subject of "Tree Mark" lumber be given prompt attention in order that lumber so marked may be available in substantial volume to meet the demand that is being created, both by the intensive campaign of stafi men in the field and by the National's advtrtising campaign in leading magazines and among architects, engineers, builders and wood-using industries.