1 minute read
For Every PurseNE,ER Roof/
viduals and Hexagonal Strips all the advantages copper at reasonable cost. or the cugtomer or tlre cuetomer who wants double thickness:'s the PIONEER SUPER HEX STRIP SHINGLE the only one on the market producing double roofing ickness over the entire surface. Ideal for obtaining effects. Six beautiful colors. the customer who wants the unuaual in and offers an attractive assortment of Standard Individuals, Standard Square Butt Strips, Hexagonal Strips and Pioneer Lock Shingles all made of the best felts and asphalt and heavily surfaced with non-fading Yosemite rock. sales move stocks with of repeat business requirements . . . . the most
SUPER JUMBO INDIVIDUALS in six beaunon-fading colors | 0x | 6 inches and laid 6 to the weather.