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Pyroof Painted Shingles in State Association Directors Big Demand Meet at Sacramento
Rod Hendrickson, Oakland, has recently returned from a tripto the Northwest which included a visit to the plants of ihe Black Bear Products'Co., Seattle, manufacturers of Black Bear Coating and the Pyro Proof Products Cor., Everett, manufacturerJ of Pyroof Fire Retardant Painted Shingles, where he conferred with D. H. Carpenter, W. I. Carpenter Lumber Co., president of both these concerns.
"The Pyroof Shingles plant is working to capacity, and is two weeks oversold," he said.
"I have just signed a l5-year contract for the exclusive sale of the-produ-ts of these companies in California, Arizona and Western Nevada,
"Sales of Black Bear Coating in California for the first lour month s of. I9D are far in excess of. 1928 sales, and these include first shipments to some of the biggest oil companies, and lumber manufacturers. One of the latter was'-the sale of eight barrels to The Pacific Lumber Co. for coating the roofs of several of their buildings in Scotia, including the First National Bank of Scotia, the first bank 'roof in United States to be coated with Black Bear, I believe." Mr. Hendrickson said.
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail -Luq- bermert's Associatibn, presided atthe meeting. ofthedi' rectors of the Northern District of the association held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, Saturday morning, May 18.
Mr, Lake introduced Dee Essley, the new Field manager of the association to the directors. The presid-en^t said he hoped that Mr. Essley would be able to sign up 100 new members in the next 60 days, and he believed this is possible with the cooperation promised by the directors, who have all done splendid work in behalf of the association. The quota of. 2@ new members set by him as a mark to shoot at for this year rnay even be reached before the annual cgnvention next November.
Reports were presented by the various chairmen of committels, and there was considerable discussion on problems affecting the retail lumbermen of the State.
Those in attendance were: H. A. Lake, Garden Grove, president; E. T. Robie, Auburn, vice-president, Northern disttict; Earl E. White, Madera; Jo Shepard, Sacramento; Elmer Ellis, Palo Alto; L. V. Graham, Oakland; Ralph Duncan, Merced; Henry Willis, Gilroy, and Chas. G. Bird, Stockton.