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A. H. Cuenod Resigns Max Cook Prepares for Farm Building Conference
A. H. Cuenod, dssistant manager of the Hammond Lumber Co., L,os Angeles, has resigned. Mr. Cuenod is one of Los Angeles' pioneer lumbermen, having been connected with ttrJHammond Lumber Co. for the past trventy-three years. Although he has several matters under consideraiion, Mr. Cuenod states that as yet he has made no definite plans for the future.
California Firms Provide Winners in Portland Golf Tournament
Lester Oakley, manager of the Portland office of MacDonald & Hariington, won the low net prize in Class A with a V4, in the Portland lumbermen's golf tourament held May 8, at Lake Oswego.
M. W. Parelius, manager of J. R. Hanify Company's Portland office scored both low net and low gross with 75 and 95 in Class B.
Lester Oakley was chai.rman of the committee that organized the tournament, which resulted in a win for the wholesalers over the manufacturers by 37% to 36%,
Max E. Cook, Farmstead Engineer, in charge of the Agricultural Department of the California Redwood Association, has just returned to San Francisco from a lGday trip on which he was accompanied by Pr'of. H. B. Walker' of Davis, head of the Division of Agricultural Engineering of the University of California; H. L. Belton, also of this division, and W. H. Tesche, field editor of the Pacific Rural Press.
The trip was undertaken to inspect farm buildings, poultry, plants, etc., in part of the Northern California territory, and with the specific object in view of calling on retail lumber dealers in the territory covered for'the purpose of getting an. interchange of ideas on farm building construc. tlon.
This tour is one of several which will be preliminary to the proposed series of farm building conferences or "lumber schools" to be held in the Fall.
Improvements At
Burnett Lumber Co., Earlimart, dow in their store.
EARLIMART have p.ut a ,show win-