1 minute read


,D Ag"

By Jack Dionne

Not Ne cessarily

He'd come home late for dinner, and the "balling out" the "ball-and-chain" gave him in front of the kids was still rankling in his craw when the family gathered around in the living room that evening for their before-bedtime reading and studying.

Little Johnnie was poring over a book in deep thought, scratched his head a few times, and then asked: "Paw| he said. "Does bigamy mean that a man has one

Larue Woodson Sees New York Fair

Larue Woodson of the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp., San Francisco, left on a business and pleasure trip May 19, accompanied by his daughters, Helen and June. They intended to visit New Orleans, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Chicago, and will spend some time seeing the New York World's Fair. Thev exoect to be awav three weeks.

wife too many?"

"Well, not always, Son," replied Paw, thoughtfulln with a side glance at his "storm-and-strife."

"What do you mean by that, Paw?" asked the youngster. "'\ll/'ell," said Paw, still meaningly and slowly letting the words drip out. "Sometimes, Son, a man may have one wife too many, and still not be a bigamist."

And after that there was a long, long silence.


Additional warehouse space 70 x 10O feet has been taken on by the Sampson Com,pany, Pasadena, for the storage of window screens, screen doors, ironing boards, blinds and rough lumber.

The new warehouse is on Marengo Avenue and is served by both Southern Pacific and Santa Fe spur tracks.

-aboutAmericab mostpopular modern door?

You, too, can benefit by the numeroue-advaDt-ages-ot,.thu i,c.IifNCX Streamliner boor- They're deecribed and illuetrated in the new No. 39 Catalog. It ihowe how strength, light *"igUa, beauty and economy hive all be-en combined in one J""?, il" "*iatntial ae well ae comme-rcialluilding rrse-illueuates howthe Streamliner eliminates the difficultiee frequentlY experienced with ordinarY doirs in air-conditioned rooms -indicatee decoration and finish treatments which enable the Streamliner to be ueed in anY type of interior, efrectivelY and economically.

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