10 minute read

Does Wide Variety of Wood Working Jobs

The Red Star Products, Inc., of. I?9IO Taft Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, have been making rapid advancement in the field of overhead saws. From one model in two sizes a few years ago they have now increased the line to three models with eleven sizes from tTrHP to 7l HP. The neu' line of Multiplex saws combines all the exclusive features that make a saw practical and economical at a price never possible before. They make the claim that the motor track pivoting directly over the moveable table gives many definite advantages in setups and adjustments and that the Mul- tiplex is the only machine in its class that cuts any desired angle, either to the right or left as well as any angle from the vertical. Special locking mechanism and indexing dials provide positive locking at any degree. Difficult jack rafter cuts are made with ease on a Multiplex.

All models have a full four inch cutting capacity and the new ball bearing tracks on the heavy motor machines and the felt lined gibs on the smaller motored machines with slide tracks insure continuous and easy operation. The Multiplex saw has been built with the idea of securing per- manent accuracy and alignment and it has been the aim of the Multiplex people to put out a fully equipped machine that will fill the requirements of the most exacting mill or yard. The square frame Master motors insure extra power and long life.

Y. Z, Haven, at 101 1 Harrison Street, Oakland, California, is Western Sales Manager. He has had fifteen years' experience in the saw field and is very enthusiastic about the future of Multiplex saws.

Redwood Relationship Committee Meets ar Rio Del Mar

The Redwood Relationship Committee met with a representative group of retailers at Rio Del Mar Country Club on Monterey Bay on Friday, May 19.

Lewis A. Godard, of Hobbs, Wall & Co., San Francisco, presided. W. K. Kendrick, of Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, acted as chairman of the retail group.

A set of beautiful Redwood gavels was presented to the Committee by The Pacific Lumber Co. The gavels were made by Cliff Mead, factory superintendent at Scotia.


Charles L. Tripler resigned, eftective May 22, as secretary-manager of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club. He is taking some time to attend to personal business and has not yet announced his future plans.


25/o to 5O/o mote capacity duc to colid edge-to-edge ctacking. Bettor quatig drying on low t @p.rarurcg with a fart rcvrrribrc circulation. Lower *acling cortc-just rolid edge-to.edge stacking in the simplcrt forn.

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your cuetomerr thc quality of thc etoclc you handle. Builders quit gueaeing about what they're buying, and buy where thcy know what they'rc getting.

Hollywood Door Named Style Leader

Sales of the well known Hollywood combination screen and metal sash door are increasing steadily all over the country, according to Francis G. Hanson, head of the West Coast Screen Company, 1143 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles, manufacturers of this widely used door.

Mr. 'Hanson is naturally an enthusiastic booster for the growth and development of Los Angeles and Southern California, and being of a highly inventive turn of mind himself is appreciative of the many new ideas in the building line that have originated in that part of the country.

In the course of a conversation on this subject recently Mr. Hanson said he was much gratified to read the following statement in an article in the April 8 issue of the American Lumberman:

"Los Angeles more surely sets the styles for American homes than Paris does for women's clothes. It is probably twenty years ahead of the rest of the world in the manufacture of building specialties such as the West Coast Screen Company's novelty doors."

Jaekle Mill Burns

Fire destroyed the Fred Jaekle planing mill and more than 1,00O,000 feet of lumber in the yard at Napa, May 17.

Gcncral Salcr Oftcc: Eug€ne, Ore.

Millr: Wodling, Orc., Springficld, Orc.

The Sensction ol the Rooling Industryl Find out crbout it!

The Pcrrcffine Compcnies, Inc. 475 Brcnncrn St., Scm Frqncisco.

Plecse send inlonnation cbout the new Thermoslcb.


Merner Lumber Co. Has Fine Outdoor Display at Palo Alto Yard

the suggestion to "Get the Most out of the Swellest Season of the Year."

The picture reproduced here can only give a limited idea of the effectiveness of the display. Lumber dealers who have occasion to pass along El Camino Real (U. S. Highway 101) at this point should stop and see it for themselves. It will gi'i'e them ideas.

Paul M. P. Merner is president of Merner Lumber Company. The Palo Alto yard is managed by Herbert W. Bickell. The Redwood City yard is managed by Harold Bickell, and the San Jose yard is in charge of Jim Rae.

A feature of the Palo Alto yard is the hardware display room on the second floor. This room is furnished with a table and telephone for the convenience of customers. Glenn lferreman is in charge of the hardware department.

Back From Texas Trip

An outdoor display of lawn furniture, gates, trellis, arbors, flower stakes and barbecues was opened by Merner Lumber Company, Palo Alto, May 13. At the rear are also displayed 22 difrerent kinds of fence. The beautifully landscaped grounds in front of this yard's main building form a perfect setting for exhibiting merchandise of this kind. The value of the display is greatly increased by being floodlighted at night.

The enterprise of this progressive concern in anticipating the homeowner's wants in this regard has already been liberally rewarded by a generous response on the part of the public. Six column, by 15 inch ads have been carried in the local paper. The one in the issue of May 12 was headed "It's Time for a Garden Tune-Up," and readers were given

Fred S. Palmer of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned May 22 from a two weeks' business trip to Texas. He called on the retail trade in the Rio Grande \/alley, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Houston and Austin.


O. A. (Pick) Maule, Pacific Wood Products Co.p., Los Angeles..... ...:.. .....June

Grant Weyant, J. C. Ferger Lumber Co', Fresno'...June

M. P. Hale, Sterling Lumber Co., Morgan Hill......June Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton. ..June

Solid Philippine Mcrhogcny Wcrll Pcmelling

A Sensational New Product That Sells on Siqht

Special Types of Portland Cement Developed for Specific Uses

Portland Cement has been manufactured for many years and while many of us are familiar with the fact that when Portland Cement is mentioned reference is being made to a building or construction cement, few realize Portland Cement is a strictly artificial product.

There are deposits of natural cement rock in various parts of the world where lime rock may be taken from the earth and burned in a kiln without any definite preparation or mixing, and the results will be a natural cement which may be widely used. However, it is not uniform in quality and could hardly be relied upon to produce concretes for the important and complicated structures of modern civilization.

A strictly artificial Portland Cement was first produced many years ago in England and as a matter of passing interest it might be noted that the designation "Portland Cement" was made because of the similarity in color of the resulting' concrete to the great cliffs near Portland, England.

Portland Cement manufacture in the United States has advanced in method, machinery and control until at the present time it is produced under two main general specifications; those of the Federal Government and the American Society for Testing Materials. During recent years, however, modern progress in constructio,n has made it vitally necessary to develop special types of Portland Cement for srpecific uses. Witness the so-called low heat type of cement manufactured for use in the construction of the lfoover Dam and other similar structures throughout the West.

In general terms the phrase "low heat" has reference to the heat of hydration developed during the curing of concrete and where a great mass is encountered and ordinary Portland Cement is used this heat of hydration is so great and so concentrated that severe expansion and contraction strains are created resulting in volume changes in the interior and exterior of the mass concrete. However, by certain rearrangements in the chemical compositio,n during the manufacturing process a "Low Heat" type cement is produced and consequently the heat of hydration in the mass concrete is held to a mi.nimum curve.

During the last few years a definite need arose for high early strength concrete; that is, concrete in which 28 day stre'ngths could be secured within 24 to 48 hours. This need resulted in high early strength cements. Not all of these cements are strictly Portland Cements, but it is desirable to retain the many advantages of a Portland Cement in a high early strength cement if possible. Thus the Southwestern Portland Cement Company's plant at Victorville, California, developed Victor High Early Strength Portland Cement, which is manufactured under Federal Specifications and American Society for Testing Materials Specifi cations.

In speaking of this product, an official of the company says: "fn addition to high early strength features Victor High Early Strength Portland Cement possesses qualities not always found in comrpetitive products. A surprisingly

(Continued on Page 30)

ITIE DEAI.ER'S FBIEND-"SINCE 1852" [rclusively Ytlholesale

Sash-D o ors-S creen sGlas s

Panel sWallb o ar dColumns

Complete stoch now on hand of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe Boards-Plank-Panels-Hardboards

The California Door Company

237 -23s-24r ";fi [!Lq;d-, Los Anseres



Two Wholescrle Ycrrd Stocks

Fcrst Truck Locrds tath 6 Shingles

Fir & Pine


"The Friendly Yard.s of Personal Seryice', SAN FRANCISCO lSdl Arny Street

ATwqter 1300


9th Avenue pier

Hlscre 1346




MArket 8448


Experienced man for general all around yard work, estimating, clerking, piling, etc. Knowledge of hardware and paint will be helpful. Give details, references and salary expected. Address Box C-761, California Lumber Merchant.


Rail trade. Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine. On commission o'r split profit basis. Address Box C-762, California Lumber Merchant.

National Retailers Hold Annual Mceting

(Continued trom Page 22)

Jesse E. Jones, chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, got a splendid welcome when introduced by H. D. Sternenberg of Austin, Texas. "f never graduated from the lumber business. I am still in it," he said.

Mr. Jones said he thought he ought to talk a little bit about government in business. While nobody in business likes government in business, he said, during the past six or seven years government in business on the whole has done a pretty good job. Government credit in business. he added, has amounted to about $20,000,000,000, with the FHC portion of the total a little more than one-half. He mentioned the several other lending and underwriting agencies participating and predicted that in summing up their activities there will not be enough loss to affect the taxes of his hearers.

At the conclusion of Mr. Jones' remarks, PresiCent Finkbine turned the chair over to Mr. LaPointe, chairman of the Special Public Relations Committee.

"fs our objective right, and how are we to go ahead from here ?" he asked, and called upon Wilson Compton. secretarymanager, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, for an answer. Dr. Compton in turn presented I. N. Tate, vice-president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Mr. Tate on behalf of the manufacturers expressed delight at the growing cooperation and coordination between manufacturers and retailers.

He urged all hands to get behind the National Small lfomes Demonstration. This, he pointed out, is a joint undertaking. Newspaper stories such as he has recently seen printed in many sections pf the country are "terribly important," Mr. Tate said, adding he clearly identified them as being of national origin.

Among the exhibits in the ballroom of the Raleigh Hotel, where the meeting was held, was a large display of clippings from numerous newspapers in all parts of the country.

Opening For Yard Man

Have opening for good yard man, capable of keeping up yard inventory, serving pick up ffade, and shipping out orders of lumber and millwork. Large country yard in Central Coast section. Replies confidential. Address Box C-759, California Lumber Merchant.

Young Lady Desires Position

Expert lumber stenographer wants position with wholesale or retail lumber concern, either permanent or temporary. Have had 8 years California experience. Can furnish A-1 references. Address Box C-758 California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Yards Wanted

If your yard is located in Southern California and you want to sell, let us know about it as we have inquiries from lumber yard buyers. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Special Types of Pordand Cement

(Continued from Page 29) low tri-calcium aluminate content is assurance of sulphate resisting qualities; the low degree of expansion and contraction under the severe auto-clave test results in a concrete with these same valuable properties which are not always present in concretes of high early strengths. Compound composition, extreme care in all phases of manufacture, and a high specific surface impart to Victor High Early Strength Portland Cement the necessary qualities for a product of this type. Its use is no more difficult than that of standard Portland Cement, and a properly designed mix, sufficient mixing time with the correct amount of water, together with adequate curing, will produce a high strength durable concrete in 24 and 48 hours."

For the interest of our readers and in conclusion, it might be well to quote a definition for Portland Cement:

"Portland Cement is the product obtained by finely pulverizing clinker produced by calcining (burning) to incirpient fusion, an intimate and properly proportioned mixture of argillaceous (silica) and calcareous (lime) materials, with no additions subsequent to calcination (burning) excepting water and calcined or uncalci,ned gypsum."

Other speakers were Steve Hannagan, New York publicity man; J. S. Bryant, representing the asphalt shingle and roofing industry; I-es Cassidy, representing Johns-Manville; Henry W. Collins, Celotex Corporation, representing the insulation industry; H. R. Northrup, NLMA and National Small Homes Demonstration; Sid Darling. secretary, National-American Wholesale Lumber Association; Bruce Wilson, of the Structural Clay Products Institute; W. D. Richardson, representing the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau; and Harry H. Steidle, of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association.

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