1 minute read
Harbor Plywood Corporation of California Takes Over Business of San Francisco Plywood Concern
The interests of Homer B. Maris, formerly president and manager of the Maris Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, have been taken over by the Harbor Plywood Corporation of California, which will, on and after June 1, operate the business with offices,and warehouses at 540 lOth Street, San Francisco.
The officers of the new corporation are George E. Ream, president; E. W. Daniels, vice-president, and Huber F. Wise, secretary-treasurer.
Mr. Ream, who is also president of the Geo. E. Ream Company, Los Angeles, wholesale distributors of trationally advertised building materials, is one of the best known men in this line of business on the Pacific Coast, with
TL Beaf Thaf
Super-quality Lumber from Oregon's Finest fimber
The lineat lurnber thqt glilled worlr' ncnrhip cnd nodenr" Precirion mc' chines ccn producel Pcckcged lum' ber etowed in even lengths .trld widtbsl
Eegulcr Scitings lo CcUlonric Portr
CIf,tFONNIf, ENANCH Sf,IES OFFICES: SAN FBINCISCO-f,. l. GhLsold: f,. B. McCullougb, 260 Calil. SL, l{owbcll Eldg. Phorc Gf, 8158
LOS AI|CELES-B. T. Ghcca: Pcirolcuto lundbe., Jll"9t"Ffi6, "oulrvcrd many years' merchandising experience. He announces that doors will be added to the regular stocks of Fir and Redwood Super-Harbord, Douglas Fir plywood, Ponderosa Pine and Hardwood panels, and that other lines of building materials will be added from time to time.
Mr. Ream will be in active charge of operation of the business and announces the same personnel which has been with Maris Plywood Corporation will be retained.
Wayne I. Rawlings, who has been identified with this business for many years, will continue in charge of sales. He will be assisted by Eugene W. Hall. Both these men are well known to the dealer and industrial trade in Northern California.
Drie D
This mark is your cssurctrce ol thoroughly, prolrrly, cmd uniloraly Eiln Dried Ponderosr Pine Lunber, Mouldingn, cnd Cut Stock
E\/ERY month ol the yecr.
Klcunath Fqlls, Oregon
Cenbcl Ccliloraicr hrr@id Lunber Scles Co., Oqkland
Southem Ccrlilornic cmd Arizon
E. E. Wood Lurnber Co.,Ios Aageler