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Pittock Block
Portijand Oregon
strcright ccr shipmentsBoardsDimensionTimbers
Mixed Cars Ycrd Stock ltems Dependcble Sto* cnd Service
Building New Office
Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, South pasadena, is replacing its office with a modern office and display room which will be ready for occupancy about June 15. The new office will feature a glass brick front. The interior will have a wainscot of Philippine mahogany with walls and ceiling of Celotex. The building, which will be almost twice as large as the old office, will have a general office, private office and large display room.
Discontinues Branch Yard
Angelus Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is discontinuing its branch yard, Centinela Lumber Company, at Ingle- wood. Al Rogers, the owner of the property, is dismantling the yard and rvill erect a court on the site.
Ed Heiberger of the office staff of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, has made rifle shooting his hobby for some time. He was a member of the Melrose Rifle Club team of four that made the highest score in the finals of the Hearst Trophy shoot for the East Bay area, held in Oakland, May 19.
The Melrose team's score was 1493 out of a possible 1600.
Start Work In Logging Camps
The main crew of the West Side Lumber Company, Tuolumne, started work in the logging camps the latter part of April. The company will cut about 40,000,000 feet of lumber this season. At the sawmill a full crew will operate on the day shift, and a half crew on the night shift.
Bill Sampson--Explorer
Bill Sampson of Sampson CompanY, Pasade,na,, recently made a vacation triP that was out of the ordinary. With Mrs. Sampson and a couPle of friends he went to Las Vegas, Nev., rented a boat and trailer and toured and explored the 115-mile long Lake \{ead. The partY camped out for a week at various points on the lake, did some fishing and had alot of fun.
FHA Home Building Reaches Record Levels
Washington, May l7.-Federal Housing Administration reported that 158,277 new small homes financed by FHA insured mortgages had been built between last July 1 and May 10 and that about 85 per cent of these were in the vicinity of defense industries.
The number of such homes begun during the week ended May 10 was 4959, a record which compared with the previous high of. 4904 during the preceding week.
The FHA said that applications for FHA mortgage insurance also were continuing at record levels with 8008 new home applications last week. This compared with 7833 in the preceding week and' 4996 in the corresponding week last year.
New Wholesale Yard
Announcement of a new wholesale lumber yard on West Compton Blvd. in the Clearwater-Hynes district, has been made by Lee Canfield, Pasadena lumber dealer. The new yard w'ill be located on a tract of approximately five acres, and a spur from the P. E. tracks will supply rail transportation.
65 Basic Factg of \(/est Coast Lumber Industry in New \7CLA Booklet
Lumbering is the No. I industry of the Pacific Northwest, yet how many citizens of the region are informed on its vital facts ? If you were asked the following questions in a"qtJiz," could you answer them?
(1) Who owns the most timber in the Douglas fir region -private citizens or the public? (2) What is the estimated capital invested in the West Coast lumber industry?
(3) How many sawmills are there in Western Oregon and Washington, and what is their productive capacity? (4) What was the U. S. per capita consumption of lumber in 1909, and in 1939? (5) What was the total value of West Coast log and lumber exports in l9D, and in 194O? (6) Approximately, what is the percentage of the cost of lumber and millwork in the whole cost of an average new home? (7) What percentage of all industry wages was paid by forest industries in Oregon and Washington in 1937? (Answers, below.)
Each question in the previous paragraph is from one of the eight divisions of subjects presented in "'West Coast Lumber Facts," a booklet just issued by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. fn graphs, statistical tables and descriptive text 65 facts of basic importance in the No. 1 industry of Washington and Oregon are detailed in methodical order. The facts have been gathered for the most part from official sources of the U. S. Government.
Northwest industries have been made a standard subject for study in the high schools of the region. The 1941 edition of "West Coast Lumber Facts" is designed to serve as an up-to-date school and library reference work.
Answers to questions in second paragraph:
(l) 3OZ billion board feet in public holdings; 300 billion privately owned.
(2) Wrrc ,Ds.
(3) 956 mills, with annual capacity of.8,283,288,000 board feet.
(4) 477 board feet, in t9@;2O3 b.f., in 1939' $42,000,000, in t9D; $10,000,000, in 1940. Approximately, 25 per cent, 65 per cent.
Adds To Woodworktng Equtpment
Anglo Cali{ornia Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has added a l2-inch American sticker to take care of detail millwork.