6 minute read
rt/V ala,uotlif, Shn+
Bf le Siaatn
Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 yeus---Somc Lcss
A Double Feature
The best piece of humor I've heard on the radio in many a month, was by Jimmy Durante. He remarked something about wishing he was rich. The other half of the program said: "Well, after all, what's money good for? It won't buy happiness." And Dgrante said: "No, it won't. But I like it because it allows me to choose the particular type of misery I enjoy most." ****
Back in deep East Texas a visitor was surprised to dis-
WFA says that farmers can expect to have reasonable supplies of hay rope, binder twine and other cordage for harvesting their 1943 crop and that approximately 200 million pounds of binder twine will be available this year'
5901 South Centrcl Ave., Los Angeles Phone CE 2-0188 W HOLES ALE
Hardwoods and Softwoods
We have cr well rounded imrentory of Fcrctory cnd Better Grcrdes of Ponderoscr crrd Sugcr Pinecmd Spruce. In Hcndwoods-No. 1 Common curd cover two colored Baptist churches standing side by side. Hg was told that they operated separately and individually' each having a difierent congregation. Naturally the visitor wanted to know how come, and his informant said:
Better Grcdes of Alder, Beech, Birch, Cedcn, Gum, Tobasco McrhogcrnY, Mcgnolicr, Mcrple, Oqk cmd Walnut.
"Well, Cap'n, hit's dis away. Dem two congegations jes' cain't ergree. One of 'em believes dat Pharaoh's daughter found Moses in de bullrushes. De yuthah congegation claims dass jess whut she said."
Truck Operators
An eligible truck operator who is unable to get a rationing certificate for new tires because his war price and ration board has exhausted its quota can obtain certificates for used tires instead, announces OPA.
BUT the well known EVAUNA mark will always be-
FIRST for texturs
FIRST for millwork
FIRST fot kiln-drying
FIRST for unifonn grades
FIRST for sendce
Rcviged Directory of !(/estem Pine Exirting Homei Market Continues Active Arsocirtion Membership
Portland, Oregon, April 1.-A revised Directory of Membership dated April I has just been published by 'the Western Pine Association to replace the issue that has been current since May 15, 1942. In the new issue the listings of the individual mills that are members of the Association have been revised or corrected in accordance with the latest information reported for each operation. A number of new members are included, making the listings quite complete and up-to-date. The names of member mills located in ten Western states and British Colurnbia, are listed alphabetically by states. In the directory the information given is arranged and tabulated for convenience of reference. It shows the location of individual plauts; the estimated capacity of mills for one 8-hour shift; the addresses of sales offices and the percentage of production of Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine and associated species. The data given in tabular form indicates the nature of the products of each operation listed, as classified either as staple items gr factory products and specialties that are manufactured and handled. Copies of the latest Directory of Membership will be sent withour charge by the Western Pine Association, 51O Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon.
In Arizona
Howard Curran, Frank Curran Lumber Co., Santa Ana, is spending a few weeks in Tucson, Ariz.
"Existing homes" market continugs to hold an important position in Southern California under current war conditions as indicated in the volume of FHA-insured refinancing business since January, 1943, when nearly 1400 applications for insurance of home loans, involving eiisting properties, were received by the Los Angeles FHA office report of Wilson G. Bingham, S. C. District Director, FHA, disclosed.
It is particularly significant that the total dollar amount of such refinanced mortgages exceeds seven million dollars for this period as compared with approximately 1500 applications representing seven million dollars plus, for the comparable period of. 1942.
"Existing homes must necessarily be depended upon during the war to supply the housing and shelter demands of the home seeker in Southern California localities, except in those defense areas where in-migration of war workers requires a program of construction of new residences," Mr. Bingham said.
Wooden Sailing Vessels
Wooden sailing vessels run the submarine blockade with little difficulty. tlndersea raiders depend on listening devices to hear approaching ships, or magnetic devices to detect metal hulls. Wooden sailing ships, with neither motors nor metal hulls, pass by unnoticed.
Add:tional Housing Authorlzed For Northern California
A total of 1,016 publicly and privately-financed new war housing units to cost approximately one million dollars have been authorized for construction in four California communities, it was announced.
Eugene Weston, Jr., NHA regional representative, said the new housing program calls for the construction oi 160 publicly-financed family units in Fairfield, 140 publiclyfinanced family units in Vacaville and 576 dormitory units in that area. The total expenditures for this construction will be approximately $775,000.
Fifty public family units, 50 dormitory units and 10 privately financed family units have been authorized for King City at an approximate cost of $160,000. ' Also approved are 30 publicly financed family units for construction in Keddie. Calif.
Producing Aircraft Lumber
Alley Bros. have been engaged for some time in getting out and producing Douglas Fir aircraft lumber. The work is done partly at their Medford, Ore., sarn'mill, where they cut the aircraft cants from the logs, and partly at their special aircraft sawmill at Santa Monica.
E,d Fountain Lumber Co., Los Angeles, are sales agents for this lumber.
Softwood Lumber
All species of softwood lumber in addition to white pine produced in New England states, Pennsylvania and New York are brought under dollars and cents ceilings. Specific maximums also are established for same species of softwood produced in Canada east of the B5th meridian and sold to consumers in U. S. (Revised Maximum Price Regulation ?re).
Appointed Member Advisory Committee
W. F. Fahs, manager of California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, was appointed a member of the Plywood Distributors lndustry Advisory Committee. He attended the committee's first meeting in Washington, D. C., on April 16, making the trip by air both ways.
5Oth Business Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cooper were at home at 1370 Old Mill Road, San Marino, on Sunday afternoon, May 16, in honor of Mr. Cooper's fiftieth business anfliversary. More than 300 called during the afternoon, and assisting receive u'ere his two daughters and son, Mrs. Robert Garrison, Mrs. George Bradford, and Charles M. Cooper.
Mr. Cooper began his business career at Merrimac, Wis., in 1893, where he was adm'itted to partnership in his father's lumber business, and the following year he purchased his father's interest. He has several retail vards in Wisconsin, and also has other business interests.
He came to California in 1912, and in 1920 organized the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company at 2035 East 15th Street, Los Angeles, specializing in hardwoods. The retail and wholesale departments were segregated in 1933, the retail yard being moved to 4650 West Pico Boulevard and placed in charge of his son, Charles M. Cooper. The offices of the wholesale department were moved to the Richfield Building in downtown Los Angeles in 1941.
Appointed Mana get ol Overseat Division
G. C. Snyman, formerly Regional Manager for the Carrier Corporation, International Division, and more recently an executive with Bell Aircraft Corporation, has been appointed manager of the Overseas Division of The Celotex Corporation, Chicago, it has been announced by Henry W. Collins, Vice President.
In announcing the appointment, Mr. Collins said: "Celotex anticipates a tremendous expansion in overseas trade after the war. The post-war housing requirements of Europe, the Orient, Mexico and South America will tax the American building industry's capacity to produce the materials for rehabilitation and neu' construction. The demand should be. particularly heavy for Celotex materials which facilitate quick, inexpensive construction and also for its products which are adaptable to the repair, remodeling and improvement of damaged structures."
Orrin Wright, Jr., son of Orrin Wright, Sr., of West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, is now at Officers Training School, Camp Davis, South Carolina.
Heart's Desire
James lives on a mountain Where tall trees fret the stars, And daylight dies in splendor Behind the sunset bars; His little cabin nestles Neath sheltering fir and pine, And round its rustic doorway The sweet wild roses twine.
Ivan has a mansion In the city far away, The human tides surge by it With sounds of toil and play; Upon the stony pavement The sultry sunbeams fall, And gild with garish beauty Each tovver and spire and wall.
Out in the sun kissed desert Don Manuel loves to dwell. And of its weird enchantments Ife never fails to tell; The shifting sand that shimmers, Lorv, barren hills that burn, The dim mirage that beckons, For these his true heart yearns.
And so on hill and desert, And through the city street, A gentle spirit leads us With whispers low and sweet; And though our feet may wander From east to golden west, It's home our hearts are seeking And our own home is best.
-A. Merriam Conner.
Cmp Regulation 5 As Amended
The CMP regulation dealing with maintenance, repair and operating supplies is thoroughly revised. Many in_ dustries appear for the first time on Schedule 1, whicir en_ titles them to AA-1 priorities, while others lose this stand_ i.g. Industries appearing on Schedul e 2 will now get AA-2 priorities, instead of AA-2X, and businesses not listed on either schedule will get AA-5 priorities instead of A-10 ratings. Other alterations are made. (CMp Reg_ ulation 5, as amended May 14), effective Mav 14.
Pondcrosa and S_ugar Pine Mouldingr
Interior Trim
.Custorr Milling cmd Specicrlty Detqits Manulcctured with lcrtest type Electric Vonnegut Moulder. 59{r so' wEslEnN ArT\ rioool" 1660 f,os ANGEI.IS' cf,uF'