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John 'V(/. Blodgett Elected Hill & Morton to Rcpresent President of N. L. M. A. Booth-Kelly in No. Cal.

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John W. Blodgett, Grand Rapids, Mich., was elected president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association at its annual meeting held at the Congress Hotel, Chicago, on June 2, 3 and 4. Among the other officers chosen were W. M. Ritter, Columbus, Ohio and Washington, D. C., re-elected vice president and treasurer; R. B. White, Kansas City, Mo., was re-elected as a vice president; Laird Bell, Chicago, Ill., was elected as a vice president, and Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C., was re-elected as se.cretary and manager.

Canec No* Available

Following widespread distribution of a special Canec edition of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, this newest structural insulation material is now being actively presented to the trade by representatives of Hawaiian Cane Products, Ltd.

Claimed by its originators to be a "real contribution to the field of insulation materials" Canec has already been specified and installed in several large projects in the Hawaiian Islands, among them a number of Gove,rnment jobs. Among the structures taking considerable quantities of Canec are the new Roosevelt High School in lfonolulu, the new Navy Engine and Aircraft overhaul shop at Pearl Harbor, the Hilo Courthouse and a number of new residences in Honolulu and elsewhere in the Islands.

Hawaiian Cane Products, Ltd., is a proje,ct exclusively owned by Hawaiian Island business interests who control more than 95 per cent of the annual sugar crop of 1,000,000 tons. Alexander & Baldwin, American Factors, C. Brewer & Co., Castle & Cooke, Theo. H. Davies, the Dillingham interests .combine to give the new insulation products company a group of sponsors whose combined business age runs into ,centuries and whose resources extend into every phase of Hawaiian Islancl commercial and agricultural development.

Canec is being introduced to the dealer trade in California by su,ch well known insulation salesmen as Milt C. Cruse and J. G. "Jerry" Brennan. Hawaiian Cane Produ'cts, Ltd., announce in this issue that deliveries of its new product ,can now be made from warehouse stocks maintained at principal seaport points on the Pacific Coast.

James R. Ersby

James R. Ersby, of the Ersby-Wilson ber exporters, San Fran,cis,co, died in a pital June 7 from injuries received in an dent near Cazadero, June 5, when his plunged over a 7S-f.oot embankment.

Mr. Ersby was 42 years old. He is widow and five daughters.

The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., of Eugene, Oregon, with mills at Wendling, Ore., and Springfield, Ore., announce that they have concluded an arrangement with Hill & Mor: ton, Inc., of Oakland, whereby they will act as sales agents for them in Northern California from Bakersfield to Redding, including the Coast Counties between these two points.

Charles A. Sandg

Charles A. Sands, Berkeley, Calif., died Sunday, May D, at the home of his son, Charles A. Sands, Jr., at Clear Lake. Mr. Sands had driven from Berkeley the day before with his son, Louis B. Sands, for a few days'visit at Clear Lake, and was in his usual good health until stricken suddenly on Sunday. Funeral services were held at Berkeley, Wednesday afternoon, June 1.

Mr. Sands was born in Michigan and was the son of Louis Sands, pioneer Michigan lumberman. He was engaged in the lumber and timber business with his father at Manistee, Mich., for several years. He first came to California in LX)Z where he became interested in the lumber business and in 1905 he was one of the organizers of the Weed Lumber Company, at Weed, Calif., serving as vice president of the compan)r. Later he returned to Michigan where he again engaged in the lumber business. In 1916, he returned to California and made his home at Berkeley.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. .Evelyn Sands, and two sons, Louis B. Sands of Berkeley and Charles A. Sands, Jr., of Clear Lake.

Poinsettia Lumber Co. Has Opening

Over 600 people attended the formal opening of the poinsettia Lumber Co. at Ventura, Calif., on Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21. Many valuable prizes wbre given_ away to those lvho were present on Saturday afternoon. One of the features of the opening was the paint demonstration given by Mark Van Horn, division manager of the Pittsburgh Paint Glass Co. E. D. Tims, Portland, Ore., director of sales on the Pacific Coast for the pittsburgh paint Glass Co., also attended the opening.

The Poinsettia Lumber Co. opened its yard at Ventura a few months ago. Roy Smith is manager of the company.

Export Co., lumSanta Rosa hosautomobile accicar skidded and survived by his


The "Blue Book" has opened a New york ofiice in the Grand Central Terminal Bldg., 15 Vanderbilt Avenue. They now have offi.ces in Chi,cago, Seattle and New york City from which ,credit investigations, collections and reports are handled.




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Lumbermen's Service Association

Fay Building' Loa Angelo

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