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Established Lumber Yard For Sale
Well established lumber yard with complete up-todate mill, at lVlountain View, Santa Clara County, covering approximately 2/2 acres, sand and gravel bunkers included. Also stock of lumber, millwork, glass, sheet metal, hardware and plumbing material. This property is for sale in whole or in part. A first class yard at a very reasonable price. Address Assignees of Builders' Service Co.,537 Merchants Exchange Building, San Francisco.
Back From Northwest
H. Sewall Morton, of Hill & \{orton, Inc., Oakland, returned June 6 from a trip to Eugene, Ore., where he completed arrangements with The Booth-Kelly Lum.ber Co., to represent them in all of Northern California. This arrangement, effective immediately, adds Central California to their territory. Mr. Morton was accompanied by Mrs. Morton, and.made.the trip by automobile.
Tom Dant On Arizona Trip
Tom Dant, Los Angeles, California and Arizona manager of Fir Tex of Southern California, is on a trip to Arizona, where he is calling on the trade.
F. B. Colin, vice president of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, San Francisco, was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles office, where he conferred with Jack Thomas, their Southern California representative. Mr. Colin and Mr. Thomas made a trip to Long Beach to see the company's steamer, S. S. Lumberman, which had arrived from Coos Bay, discharge its cargo.
Precipitation In National Forests Above Normal
Nine out of fifteen weather bureau stations in the national forests of California reported the precipitation from July 1, 1931, to May l, 1932, as being above normal, according to a survey made by the State Department of Public Works. Of the six below normal, two are only slightly below, but one, at Quincy, is 41.31 inches below. The station showing the highest precipitation above normal, 16.39 inches, is at Giant Forest in Sequoia National park.