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TORIIIA G0, CAII ATIGI,O I.UMBER Exclusively Wholesale

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We invite lunbor dealers to take cdvcrntcge ol our well cssorted stocks of

Planning the Less Abundant Life

Merle Thorpe, in "Nation's Business"

The Secretary of. Agriculture, the man, may pay more for land conservation to the Tarmers of Iowa than he chooses to pay the farmers of New York, and only recently announced that, in his own good time, he would decrease the penalties of fine and imprisonment upon those who violated the crop regulations.

The Administrator of Relief, the man, can decide that the relief wages shall be higher in California than in Connecticut.

The Secretary of the Interior, the man, warns effectively that if a city does not do as he likes in planning a $42,000,000 bridge project, he "might change his mind," and refuse the federal grant.

The Secrctary of Labor, the woman, decrees pottery workers upon governmcnt contracts n.rust get $l7.lO a rveek, and hat ancl cap workers $27.

What a spectacle for America ! Formerly the larv was on the bool<s rvhere all might read; today it is carried around under the hats of rnen ir-r Governmerrt offices.


Henry Howard Shoup, prominent Phoenix, Ariz.. lumberman, passed away at his home Monday afternoon, May 30, at the age of 60 years. He had been in ill health for two years.

Mr. Shoup had been connected with the lumber business since graduating from high school, following the industrv in Arkansas and Texas before coming to Phoenix, 30 years ago. He rvas with the old Ryder Lumber Company at Phoenix for five years, working in the office, then startecl his own yard.

He was a member of the Masonic lodge, Sciots ancl Knights of Pythias.

Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Pattie Shoup; three sisters, Mrs. C. A. Herrin, Danville, Ill., Mrs. A. L. Wright, Bridgeport, Ill., Mrs. M. M. Greene, Phoenix; and trvo brothers, V. W. Shoup of St. Francisville. I11.. and C. T. Shoup of Phoenix.

Funeral services were held at Phoenix, Thursdav afternoon, June 2.

Kolor-Trim Moldings, New \(/ainscot

Announced by Wood Conversion Co.

An entirely new idea in the treatment of insulating interior finish has just been announced by the Wood Conversion Company. In addition to standard Nu - Wood Moldings, Kolor-Trim pre-decorated wood moldings have been introduced to achieve special color effects and treatments rvith Nu-Wood Irrterior Finish.


WH(lTESATERS of Douglar Fir Redwood

Ponderora and Sugar Pine

Cedrr Productr

Poleg & Pihng

Wolmanized' Lumber

Topr Three Xolor-Trin pre-decorcted noldings avqilcble in <r vcriety o[ encneled colorg to hcruonize with NuWood lnterior Finirh. Bottonr: The new, rough texiured, rrchogtrny colored NuWood WcinecoL surlcce hsrdened lor uge where wcrlls qre rubiect lo cbuse.

These I\{oldings, ar.ailable in three patterns (Cove, Bead and Chair Rail) and in a variety of glossy enameled colors, take the place of ordinary trim. They are so designed that each Pattern can serve several purposes. Chair Rail, for instance, can be used as such, as a picture molding, base, for window and door trim, and so on.

With Kolor-Trim Bead Moldings there is no problem of joint treatment. Joints are matle a part of the interior design, covered with one of the contrasting colored moldings. The same pattern can be used to carry out any design where joints do not occur. Kolor-Trim Moldings, lleing economically priced, may be used in groups and in combinations to achieve amazingly attractive effects to harmonize with the u'arm shades of Nu-\\Iood'

Also announced rvas a new Nu-W'ood Wainscot which, too, has been developed in color and texture to harmoniz,: with Nu-Wood Tile, Plank and Board. It is mahogany brown in color rvith a rough grained surface. The material is surface hardened for ttse on rvall areas which must stand abuse. This r.rerv Wainscot offers a pleasing contrast rvhen usecl rvith other Nu-Woocl products.

P. A. Ward, geueral sales manager of Woocl Conversion Company, when announcing these new products saicl: "Architects, Contractors. Dealers and Interior Designers have rvelcomed Kolor-Trim Moldings enthusiastically. With this material it is norv possible to buy the complete interior finish job from the lumber dealer-Nu-Wood Tile, Plank ancl Wainscot for rvalls and ceilings. ancl KolorTrim to complete the job, rvitl-r every assurance of perfect harmony of colors, approved by architectural and color authorities. The carpenter puts up the complete job. No additional painting or decorating is necessary. The new moldings result irr a nlore economical application of NuWood Interiors-also in brighter, more colorful, harmonizing interior finish treatments."

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