3 minute read
Port Orfordoedar
Smith \7ood-Productr, Inc.
Largest Producers Band Sawn Port Orford Cedar Abo Mfn. of 'Douglar Fir Lunbet and Plywood
For ilre very bert Venetian Blinds demend Port Orford Cedar Slatr California Saler Ageno
1032 Milb Bldg.
San Francisco Telqrhone SUtter 752O
Philippinc ilahogany
Most Economical of the Laxsrioss
Tropical Hardutoods. Especially for TRIM, FIXTURES, FURNITURE, BOATS
New booklet, giving helpful suggestioos on use of Philippine Mahogany in residential, commercial and institutionel buildings, available to architects. lVrite Philippine Mahogeny Menufacturers' Import Association,Inc., lll W. 7th St.,Los Angeles, Cal.
Car and. Cargo Shippers
Arizona Representative
P. O. Box 1865, Phoenix Telephone 96Ell
A cornplete stock of air-seasoned or kilndriedshingles ready for irnmediate delivery.
Fontuna, California
Yard For Sale
S7500.00 handles.
$300,000.00 volume in 1937.
Complete modern equipment including carrier, crane and 5 trucks.
Established 5 years; on lease.
See Manager, Pico Lumber Company, 6727 Cren' shaw Boulevard, Los Angeles.
Retail Office Man Wants Position
Retail yard office man just past 210, with better than 20 years lumber experience, 5 years in Los Angeles territory, seeks job as bookkeeper-estimator<ounter salesman. Not a novice, but a competent, efficient workman, who knows his stufi. Single. Healthy. Location immaterial. Address Box C-715. California Lumber Merchant.
FHA Mortgage Loans for Farm Buildings
(Continued irom page 27) ofier safeguards to borrowers since they assure well-constructed homes and buildings. In addition to convenient. repayments in regular installments, the FHA plan eliminates second mortgages and periodical expensive refinancing costs.
Down payments by borrowers, which must amount to at least 10 per cent of the total property valuation, and in some cases to 20 per cent, do ltot necessarily have to consist of cash. Land already owned by the loan applicant may constitute all or part of the down payment.
While 15 per ,cent of the loan proceeds must be used for materials and labor in the repair or construction of buildings upon the farm property, contractors doing the construction rvork may employ the services of the bo,rrorver at customary wages or may purchase materials owned by the borrower at reasonable prices.
The term "farm" as applied to FHA-insured mortgages is interpreted by the administrative rules to mean real estate which in the judgment of the Admi,nistrator is capable of producing an annual gross income of $350 in kind, cash or rent from agricultural uses, or derives 25 per cent or more of its rental value fronr agricultural uses, or derirtes 25 per,cent or more of its capital value from its agricultural capacity.
Horseless Carriage Club Meets
T. C. Archibald, Brown & Dauser, La Habra, and Bob Lingo, Whittier, were hosts to The Horseless Carriage Club on June 5 at the Stearns ranch near Whittier. About 100 attended and many of the members drove to the meeting in their old cars.
For Sale
I Yates B-3 double surfacer with direct motor drive and switches complete. Penberthy Lumber Company, 2055 E. 51st Street, Los Angeles. Telephone Klmball 5111.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Position wanted by experienced lumberman as retail yard manager or assistant to the manager. Thoroughly familiar with California yard practices; estimating; counter trade; credits and collections. Best of reference. Address Box C-7LO, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Suburban lumber yard in Southern California. Very clean. Real estate $6,000 but would lease to responsible party. Building, machinery, trucks and all yard and office equipment $12,(X)0. Stock about $10;000. Best living conditions and competitive situation very fine.
Also good yard in Coast City. Improvements and equipment $10,0O0, inventory $10,000, ground leased.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yark Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Big Crowds View Long Beach Home Show
The Home Building Show held at the Municipal Auditorium, Long Beach, M"y 14-22, created much interest and was largely attended every afternoon and evening. The show was sponsored by the lumbermen and contractors in the Long Beach district.
Long Beach lumbermen had an interesting exhibit, showing many large photographs of all types of small homes and the cost of each. On one photograph the cost was omitted and a pize of. $25 was offered to the person making the nearest estimate.
The lumb,er firms taking part in the exhibit included the Bear State Lumber Co., Campbell & Ballantyne, Century Lumber Company, Consolidated Lumber Co., A. E. Fickling, H. A. Graham Lumber Co., Hammond Lumber Company, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., Service Lumber Co., San Pedro Lumber Co., Geo. A. Swift Lumber Co., and E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
Among the other exhibits were J. H. Baxter & Co., San Pedro Lumber Company, Federal Housing Administration, and Long Beach Contractors' Association.
The displays featured home designs, interior decorations, building materials, housing equipment, furnishings, financial data, insulation and new ideas in building foundations.
In The Nortwest
Ed Fountain, Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, Mrs. Fountain, are on a motor trip to the Northwest. and 7